XYLineChart « Axis « JFreeChart Q&A

1. 2 axis on XYLineChart    jfree.org

hi, i need 2 axis on a XYLineChart, i read this thread http://www.jfree.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=12244 but for XYLineChart it doesn't work here is my code: Code: Select all // Add the series to your data set XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection(); XYSeries[] s=new XYSeries[series.length]; ...

2. XYLineChart Horizontal Axis without decimals.... Help please    jfree.org

XYLineChart Horizontal Axis without decimals.... Help please by jaumeg Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:05 am HI All, I have been using jfreechart since 2004 and still having doubts ! Using at this moment version 0.9.17 of JfreeChart. Well, my problem is that when I create a XYLineChart I get decimals in my horizontal axis, and I can not show this ...

4. Create XYLineChart with special x-axis description    jfree.org

Create XYLineChart with special x-axis description by ManMue Thu May 11, 2006 2:14 pm Hi all, what do i have to do to change the axis description of my XYLineChart? I don't want to show the range description all x steps. In my Example i only want to show it on values 1, 12 and 28. On this positions, i ...

6. XYLineChart "forgets" range axis negative lower li    jfree.org

I create an XYLineChart, where dataset essentially has percent values (hence values from the <0,100> interval). To improve the chart visibility, I set the range axis limits to <-5,105> with rangeAxis.setRange(-5.0,105.0). This works fine on the initial rendering of the chart, but after zooming in/out the range Axis gets its lower limit set to 0 -- without possibility IMHO to display ...

7. [XYLineChart] change domain axis labels    jfree.org

Hello, I created a XYLineChart with double value on Y axis and with time value on X axis. The time precision is greater than microseconds (nanoseconds), so i used an instance of XYSeries to display data. It was possible because my time is just relative. The data are well displayed but on the x axis, the domain axis labels are simple ...

8. XYlinechart - Preserve x-axis values? (they're dates)    jfree.org

Hello I'm trying to make use of JFreeChart to make linecharts that show the max and min temperature in a month and I'm nearly succeeding. The problem is that my x-axis should display the date 1-28, but is displaying 0.0/2,5/5.0-27.5 instead. I did try to look trough the documentation as well as the forum.. but I can't seem to find the ...

9. two Y-Axis in the XYLineChart    jfree.org

10. Changing the origin of the y-axis on XYLineChart    jfree.org

Hi, I have a climate model and I'm using an XYLinePlot to display the results. The change in temperature being plotted over time should only fall within a range of about 3 degrees Kelvin. However since this is for temperatures on Earth they are generally well above absolute zero but the graph always plots the origin on the y access from ...

11. Delete double values in axis index of an XYLineChart    jfree.org

Hello everybody, first of all I hope forgive me for my english, maybe someone can understand me. I have an XYLineChart graphic, I introduce in axis X values (1,2,3,4) and if I dont resize the graphic in the axis X appears the values (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4), My question is how can I remove double values of the ...

12. Axis X & Tick on the XYLineChart chart    jfree.org

Hi everybody, I have one pb following but I don't know how to "fix" it L'axis X = week that wants to mean a "period" (so from first day to 6 day) actually, my chart is the frist one but I want to change like the 2nd one! (the number of week 1, 2, 3 ... are in the center of ...

13. problem in xylinechart with axis    jfree.org

15. x-axis points in XYLineChart    jfree.org

x-axis points in XYLineChart by fs11 Fri Feb 11, 2011 7:34 pm Hello all, I am a newbie to JFreeChart. I have written a small code which works; However there is some problem that I could not solve till now and your help is requested. The code is fairly simple and is below. The class takes in input and displays ...

16. Displaying the last tick on an XYLineChart y (range) axis?    jfree.org

Hi, I'm trying to draw a run-of-the-mill XYLineChart using JFreeChart, but I'm running into a problem with the default settings (obtained using ChartFactory.createXYLineChart). On the y-axis, I plot integers from 1 to 68. The default NumberAxis is generating ticks either every 2 (0,2,..,68) or 5 (0,5,..,65), depending on the size of the graph. I would like a final axis tick >= ...