DateAxis « Axis « JFreeChart Q&A

1. jFreeChart: DateAxis to behave like a CategoryAxis. Only discrete datevalues to be printed

I have a TimeSeries Chart with a XYdataset which has the milliseconds of each dates. Now I want to have a chart that only displays each date one time on the axis, ...

2. DateAxis tick labels for regular intervals

Hello! I have a TimeSeriesChart with a DateAxis as the domain axis. I am trying to get the axis to display tick labels for constant intervals of time. The input data (as an XYDataset) consists of numbers for each month for 5 years. Ie: 01/01/2001 5 01/02/2001 8 01/03/2001 21 ...... 01/01/2002 6 01/02/2002 8 ....... and so on for fives ...

3. DateAxis in Version 0.9.9

HI, I am updating version of JfreeChart used in my company. orginally they used 0.9.5, which i have started upgrading, I have certain questions. 1.what is the most effective method to upgrade JFreeChart version to current version. i have found that there are so many changes since 0.9.5. I have already purchased the Developer guide and started reading, 2. Right Now ...

5. SegmentedTimeline DateAxis

I am using SegmentedTimeline(Monday to Friday) in Date Axis. but i have problem with tickunit. by default i am displaying tickunit monthly as follows dateAxis.setTickUnit(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.MONTH, 1, new SimpleDateFormat("MM/yy"))); but when i use SegmentedTimeline, when first day of month comes on sunday or saturday, that month does not included in displaying tickunit. (i think because that date is missing in DateAxis) ...

6. Manipulation with Ticks near the DateAxis

Hello, everybody! I'd like to ask you for advise. I have DateAxis and it displays ticks like: 2006, 2007 etc. But I have big amount of values, so I don't need to display all of them - I've made them so they display like 2006 ... 2011 ... 2016 etc. And from the other side, I need first and last tick ...

7. XYLineAnnotation DateAxis

hi, I have X-axis as DateAxis and i would like to add XYLineAnnotation. Y-Axis is price. Can you please tell me how do i do that. I have specific Date and value where i have to add XYLineAnnotation (4 points) but XYLineAnnotation needs double value and i have Date Value. so what conversion do i use? Thanks

8. DateAxis

I use XYChart with dateAxis and everything works perfect. I would like to change the date format of the label just for the fisrt value. I'll explaint it better. I have charts for everyday and it aperas correctly the hours in the x-axis. I would like that in the fisrt tick it apperar the complete date instead of just the hour. ...

10. How to custom DateAxis DateTickUnit?

Hi,David.Gilberto I want to custom my own DateAxis DateTickUnit,I use ChartFactory.createXYBarChart() method to draw a bar chart,and I know new DateAxis() method will use super(label, DateAxis.createStandardDateTickUnits(zone)) . createStandartDateTickUnits() will decide the DateTickUnit automatically, and I want to set DateAxis in my way, in fixed 15 minutes; such as:00:15,00:30,00:45,... Any advice? Thanks a lot!

11. Problem wit DateAxis in TimeSeriesChart

Hi All, I want to create a Time series chart ,i have values for the past 24 hours from now,with 1 hour interval.(I mean i have value for each hour).And i want to show this on the graph with tickunits 1 hour. I tried like: DateAxis rangeAxis = (DateAxis)plot.getDomainAxis(); DateTickUnit dtu = new DateTickUnit(1,24); rangeAxis.setTickUnit( dtu ); I'm creating a BufferedImage ...

12. SegmentedTimeline removal of weekends = DateAxis problems

I'm drawing a financial time series chart. DateAxis appears to draw incorrectly when I'm using a SegmentedTimeline to remove weekends. When I am looking at about a week of data, the date ticks are about 1 tick per day, however since we throw out weekends, the date labels actually show a visual glitch and write on top of one another. This ...

13. DateAxis does not implement equals() well?

I ran into an interesting problem, which leads me to believe the DateAxis has a bug in it. Looking at the source code for DateAxis, shouldn't it include a line that checks the Range? For example: Code: Select all if( this.getRange() == null ? that.getRange() == null ...

14. Easy way to put gaps in a DateAxis

Easy way to put gaps in a DateAxis by glyndwr Tue May 09, 2006 1:46 pm I've got a plot that looks like this: It's a series of measurements taken at various times and under increasing load on my webserver. Each setting of increasing load is a new instance of TimePeriodValues. Now, I want to add some more measurements taken ...

15. Clickable lables on DateAxis

Hello all, I have a xy timeseries chart that I am showing on a html page from the servlet. How do I make the date labels on the date axis clickable, so that I can show another page when user clicks a date? I tried standard url generators. But, they make the actual data points clickable, not the date on the ...

17. DateAxis probleme

DateAxis probleme by simo Tue May 30, 2006 1:58 pm Hi all i'm a new developper with JfreeChart so i hope u can help me resolving my probleme. In my DateAxis the first Tick don't appear my code is: Code: Select all public class PicCPUBeryl extends ApplicationFrame { /** * ...

18. Problem with Dateaxis method

Im new to Jfree chart and have a question regarding two of its methods. I wanted to initialize the x axis which represents 24 hours of a day [i]starting from 12:00 am.[/i] I was initially using [b]dateaxis.getMinimumDate()[/b] initially but it was giving me problems - > Wed Jun 07 23:43:48 CDT 2006 however [b]dateaxis.calculateLowestVisibleTickValue(dateaxis.getTickUnit()) [/b]gives me the following value which makes ...

19. Multiple DateAxis

20. DateAxis with setRange!

Hi guys, I'm using DateAxis for my domainaxis, XYLineAndShapeRenderer and XYPlot. When i put setRange in my domainAxis my chart doesn't paint the graphic, but when i click in the chart with the left mouse buttom, the chart start to paint the graph and my domainaxis range change. I think that the AutoRange start to work. My range is correct and ...

21. DateAxis Questions/Problems

Wonderful, thanks a lot for the quick help. Just a little question, if i use setVerticalTickLabels(boolean) the labels are rotated by 270 degree (if it is counterclockwise), but a rotation by 90 degrees clockwise, would be correct for left-to-right-readers. Is it possible to print it in the other vertical-style ? Or should i modifiy the drawing-routine ?

22. DateAxis and TickPoints

23. Is this a limitation of DateAxis?

I have created a dynamic chart using the DateAxis as the domain axis. What my chart does is this. I get cumulattive time values and I pass them to the chart(in milliseconds) to update the series at every time step. Everything seem to work fine untill the total time exceeds 24 hours (ie 86400000). i was expecting the tickunits to start ...

24. DateAxis Problem

DateAxis Problem by subhra Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:02 am I want to create a XYLineChart (with NumberAxis as rangeaxis & DateAxis as domainaxis). the code is as follows.. Code: Select all import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import; import; import*; import; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis; ///XY Chart Example public class XYChartExample ...

26. DateAxis and tickUnit

27. DateAxis revisited

Hi everybody, I have the following problem with DateAxis. When I setAutoRange(false) and set the upper and lower bound the plotted bars are placed at the very edges of the axis (no margins). Using setLowerMargin and setUpperMargin doesn't have any effect with setAutoRange(false). On the other hand when setAutoRange(true) is in effect I can set upper and lower margins but when ...

28. DateAxis & DateTickUnits

by FinnHawk Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:41 pm Nevermind... I figured it out by looking at (one of the Financial Chart Demos). Code: Select all /** * Return a custom list of ticks. This is a crude implementation, it ...

29. About my DateAxis

hi, all i met a problem about x-axis(DateAxis). i would like to display some data per hour from day 1 to day 30. These data should include 720 dots. But now only several dots closed to current time is displayed in my chart. other dots is beyond dateaxis range. help me, thanks.

30. how can i set DateAxis lable angle ?

DateAxis axis = (DateAxis) plot.getDomainAxis(); axis.setTickMarkPosition(DateTickMarkPosition.MIDDLE); axis.setDateFormatOverride(new SimpleDateFormat("yy/MM")); axis.setTickUnit(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.MONTH,1)); axis.setLabelAngle(Math.PI / 4.0); ...

31. DateAxis labels are getting cutted.

Code: Select all chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart( chartConfig.chartTitle, // chart title this.chartConfig.axisTitleX, // domain axis label ...

32. Enhancement request: DateAxis

public TimeZone getTimeZone() { return this.timeZone; } public void setTimeZone(TimeZone tz) { if (!this.timeZone.equals(tz)) { this.timeZone = tz; setStandardTickUnits(createStandardDateTickUnits(tz)); notifyListeners(new AxisChangeEvent(this)); } }

33. Problem with dateAxis

private DateAxis configureDateAxis(DateAxis da){ da.setRange(minDate.getTime()-(THREE_HOURS), maxDate.getTime()+(THREE_HOURS)); da.setDateFormatOverride(formatter); da.setTickUnit(unit); da.setLabelFont(FONT8); da.setLabel(null); da.setTickLabelFont(FONT8); ...

34. DateAxis - Refresh Ticks

Hello All, I am having a serious issue with the date axis in some of the charts, I am using. I want to print the start date and end date for the charts. By doing some research, I came to know about overriding of the refreshticks() method for the date axis. But I dont have any idea about using that method. ...

35. Duplicates on DateAxis and TimeChart

Do you mean that day names are duplicated on the DateAxis? Did you call setDateFormatOverride() anywhere in your code? If so, what is likely to be happening is that you have more than one tick mark per day (every 12 hours, for example) and the label formatter doesn't show enough information to distinguish them. If you don't want ticks at less ...

36. HELP! - Constraining a DateAxis to a specific Start&End

Irrespective of the dataset, I need to constrain the rendering of a chart to a specific start and end date. These dates may represent a subset, a superset or some intersection of the dataset's timeline. Zooming out needs to respect these values, not simply snap back to a DateAxis range 'appropriate' for the Dataset being rendered. This needs to apply to ...

37. refreshTicks() in inherited class of DateAxis

Eveyone help, urgent needs to get it fixed soon. I subclassed the DateAxis because I want to customise the tick labels under horizontal axis. But the overriden refreshTicks() function never get called. I set the axis class in the plot but it never work. I want to display tick label as 01/04/02, but they are not dates. I used the date ...

38. Problem with the DateAxis labels

Problem with the DateAxis labels by airon Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:01 pm In our application we have been using jfreechart-1.0.3 for some time, and recently we tried 1.0.4 and now 1.0.5. In both we had the next problem: the labels in the DateAxis were different. In 1.0.4 and 1.0.5 the starting label was just wrong. Our idea was to ...

39. Segemented Timeline DateAxis and DST issue

i am using segmented timeline for intra day (9:30 to 4) charts. this used to work fine till DST. now for whatever reasons, i am not able to exclude weekends. code is as follows which used to work fine before DST DateAxis axis = new DateAxis(); long FIFTEEN_MINUTE_SEGMENT_SIZE = 15 * 60 * 1000; SegmentedTimeline timeline = new SegmentedTimeline(FIFTEEN_MINUTE_SEGMENT_SIZE,26,70); timeline.setStartTime(SegmentedTimeline.FIRST_MONDAY_AFTER_1900 + ...

40. Bug in DateAxis?

Bug in DateAxis? by hookumsnivy Wed May 02, 2007 7:17 pm David, please correct me if I am wrong: The method previousStandardDate is supposed to do the following: Given a date and a tick unit, return a date that is unit.getCount() units (month, day, hour, etc) before the date. It should also take into account the tick mark position. So ...

41. Create Note w/X value corresponding to a value on DateAxis

Hi, My X axis is a DateAxis. I have a vertical line on the chart that represents "Current Time." The chart redraws every half second, so the data stays the same while the vertical line moves across the chart from left to right. My user would like the current time to be in red just below the tick marks on the ...

42. Problem when I transform my DateAxis in Log axis

Hi all, I need for my application to pass the DateAxis to Logarith;ic axis and vice versa. But when I pass to logarithmic scale the graph appear like a line and I can't change the range in order to see anything> How can do it? Is it possible to fix the range of the Xaxis ( I have tried getDomainAxis.setAutoRange, getDomainAxis.setRange() ...

43. Question about DateAxis

I appologize if this has been answered before but I need an answer. I'm making a TimeSeriesChart that keeps track of 3 days worth of data that comes in 8 hour increments (So 9 data points at a time) I have everything working except for the Domain axis: Code: Select all timeChart.getXYPlot().getDomainAxis().setFixedAutoRange(259200000); //3 Days ((DateAxis)timeChart.getXYPlot().getDomainAxis()).setTickUnit(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.HOUR, 8, new SimpleDateFormat("dd - ...

44. The Problem in Bubble Chart with a DateAxis as DomainAxis

I extend the TimeTableXYDataset in order to use a DateAxis as DomainAxis, the code is below. public class TimeTableXYZDataset extends TimeTableXYDataset implements XYZDataset{ private DefaultKeyedValues2D zValues; public TimeTableXYZDataset(){ super(); zValues = new DefaultKeyedValues2D(true); } public void add(String seriesName, TimePeriod period, double y, double z){ add(seriesName, period, ((Number) (new Double(y))), ((Number) (new Double(z))), true); } public void add(String seriesName, TimePeriod period, Number ...

45. change default dateaxis tick labels

I'm creating a chart with an XYPlot having two OHLCDatasets. The period for the chart is one day, from midnight to midnight. With lower and upper bounds set to midnight at each end, my tick labels show up at 01:30, 03:30, 05:30, etc. I want them to show up at 02:00, 04:00, 06:00, etc. I know how to change the units ...

46. Control DateAxis Tick Lable --seems impossible

I have a DateAxis for a TimeSeries that consists of 256 daily stock prices--I used the Day.class for the TimeSeries. The 256 data points represent 1 year of data. My problem is that I need only 4 tick labels: the end point should be the first/last month in the series, and the 2 other labels should be 4 months from the ...

47. DateAxis of timeseries containing days with 25 hours

by david.gilbert Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:37 pm I used this test program with JFreeChart 1.0.6 and got what I think is the correct result ("2:00" appears twice on the axis, if you stretch the chart to make it wide enough). This is after I set my system locale to Europe/Berlin. Does it work for you? Code: Select all /* ...

49. Using a DateAxis with A XYBarRenderer

Using a DateAxis with A XYBarRenderer by MattBallard Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:52 pm Is there a way to align the tick marks in the middle of the Bars? I have a DateAxis as my DomainAxis for my XYPlot and need to align certain days with bars from my XYBarRenderer. The Bars are vertical. I am using the setTickMarkPosition method ...

50. 3D grapph and DateAxis

52. Problem in extending DateAxis

53. Overridden DateAxis and Rotated Tick Labels

I have managed to create a custom DateAxis axis object that populates the axis of an XYPlot with specific dates given to it, but am having an issue with rotating the labels. I have been able to show the labels rotated, but when the rotation is set to 90 degrees, it overlaps the axis label. I notice in CategoryAxis charts this ...

54. DateAxis : Convert minutes to mm:ss

Does the 4.52 mean 4:52am? Or 4 minutes and 31.2 seconds? Or something else? Whatever it is, you'll need to either convert it to "milliseconds since 1-Jan-1970" so that you can use the Java DateFormat classes, or write a custom NumberFormat class that can produce strings in the form "mm:ss" for the numbers you pass to it.

55. Candlestick / Dateaxis: Missing values -> Gaps

Hi I have a candle stick chart with a date axis as X-axis. The dataset has one value per day, except on saturday and sunday. When I generate the chart there will be gaps on this days, I mean there is no candle stick because the value in the dataset is missing. - Can I solve that? - If yes how ...

56. JFreeChart cannot set 7 day intervel using Dateaxis

private JFreeChart createChart(String title, XYDataset dataset) { // create the chart... //chart title, x axis label, y axis label, legend, tooltips, urls // JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(title, "Week Of(1 Unit = 1 Week)", "", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, false, false); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart(title, "Week Of", "Percentage", dataset, true, true, false); // NOW DO SOME OPTIONAL CUSTOMISATION OF THE CHART... chart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); // ...

57. DateAxis and DateLabel rotate

I recently had to do this. There is a way to set the angle, but the DateAxis class never looks at that. What I did was to extend the DateAxis class and overrode the refreshTicksHorizontal method, I only have dates on the horizontal axis. Then I call the super method and loop through the list changing the ticks to use the ...

58. Financial chart --customized dateaxis ticks

Hi...... I need a help I have a chart which displays Price vs Time.In that dateaxis ticks gets selected automatically. I need to have "09:55" time included in the dateaxis which is a market open time . I tried various approaches 1. setMinimumDate() function of dateaxis . 2.Tried on DateTickUnit Class new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.MINUTE,55,new SimpleDateFormat("HH:MM")); etc..etc... But its not working... I need ...

59. CategoryAxis as DateAxis

60. DateAxis with fixed labels

DateAxis axis = (DateAxis) plot.getDomainAxis(); axis.setDateFormatOverride(new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm")); axis.setVerticalTickLabels(true); TickUnits standardUnits = new TickUnits(); standardUnits.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.MINUTE, 0)); standardUnits.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.MINUTE, 15)); ...

61. Please help me, my chart have a problem about DateAxis

Sorry all ! i'm vietnamese, my english is not well. but i try to explain it. I use CombinedDomainXYPlot to create many plot and use one DateAxis for this. I set data (same date , different value) for each plot. When chart display, it lacked first value. but i set lowerMargin = 0.2 then it correct. please help me this problem. ...

62. DateAxis Interval

I have my date axis set from one 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The way it is getting displayed is 10:19 10: 39 10:59 to 2:49 I.e the interval tick is 20 and the first interval is only 19 How can i ensure that it should get displayed like 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 and be uniform

63. 1.0.12 Infinite loop in DateAxis.refreshTicksHorizontal(...)

1.0.12 Infinite loop in DateAxis.refreshTicksHorizontal(...) by skunk Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:59 pm While attempting to upgrade to JFreeChart 1.0.12 I came across the following problem with some new code added to refreshTicksHorizontal() in class org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis Code: Select all 1620 1621 while (tickDate.before(upperDate)) { 1622 ...

64. Limitations of DateAxis.setDateFormatOverride()

The only problem I can see is that people with code that calls getDateFormatOverride() will have to recompile, because the return type won't be a DateFormat anymore. The setDateFormatOverride change is OK, because existing code will work unchanged. I can make the change in the 1.2 source tree, because the API is changing for that anyway, but I'm not so sure ...

66. DateAxis tick labels

Hi I am using jfreechart 1.0.10, and I have a chart with TimeSeries data. I am setting plot.getDomainAxis().setLowerBound(start); plot.getDomainAxis().setUpperBound(end); where start is exactly 13:00 and stop is 14:00 tick labels are 13:09 13:19 13:29 13:39 13:49 13:59 I would like them to be more "round" that is 13:20 instead 13:19 and also 13:00 and 14:00 at start and end. How to ...

67. Additional DateAxis Issue

Hi Sir, I have tried with the following code : Result : I am not able to see the tick labels of monthAxis .TickLabels of WeekAxis are repeated like below . 21 28 05 12 19 26 --------------------- 21 28 05 12 19 26 Code: Select all // Month Axis DateAxis monthYearAxis =(DateAxis) plot.getRangeAxis(); DateFormat formatter2 = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM-yy"); DateTickUnit unit1 ...

68. How to add a single DateTick to DateAxis?

Hello; I am using jfreechart 1.0.12 and for a timeserieschart, I want to have control over tick units on the domain axis(date axis) I have created my own TickUnits but I want to have Tick label rendered for the last element of the series. But TickUnit generates even numbered ticks. Is there any way to add single Date tick, for the ...

69. Using DateAxis and XYBarRenderer with double values

Hi, I'm often using a DateAxis with a DefaultXYDataset. I store the long values representing the timestamps in the double array that is passed to DefaultXYDataset.addSeries(). With XYLineAndShapeRenderer this works really fine and I appreciate that DateAxis "understands" the doubles as dates. The problem comes up when I use an XYBarRenderer. It makes the bars as thin as possible, see the ...

70. DateAxis and setVerticalTickLabels(true)

I created a chart using the DateAxis and when I set setVerticalTickLabels(true) the dates appear correctly but the same date repeats 4 times between plot points. So, if I had the dates 01/01/2009 and 02/01/2009; 01/01/2009 would appear four times and then 02/02/2009 would also appear four times. Is there any way to correct this?? I only want the dates to ...

71. Problem with the DateAxis labels?

72. StackedBarChart3D with DateAxis?

Hello, i wish i could transform StackedBarChartDemo6 in such way, that i would get the same Chart, but already with 3D effect i've changed those lines of code: JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createStackedBarChart3D(...); instead of JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createStackedBarChart(...); and StackedBarRenderer3D renderer = (StackedBarRenderer3D) plot.getRenderer(); instead of StackedBarRenderer renderer = (StackedBarRenderer) plot.getRenderer(); but then i have a Chart with Plot without any ...

73. DateAxis, selectHorizontalAutoTickUnit, refreshTicksHorizont

Hi, everybody! First of all, i'm sorry for my bad English. I don't know if this is the right place to search for help, but i'm getting in trouble when i try to plot more than 134 bars using an HighLowRenderer. The code seems to starts an infinite loop. I know very little about jfreechart's source code, so i'll appreciate any ...

74. DateAxis DateTickUnit DST problem

Hi, I have some problems with DateAxis on local timestamp (MST) regarding to Fall Daylight Saving. My x-axis is using 10 minute as a unit. IMG1 and IMG9 are what it should looks like. Problems: 1. It will mess up the x-axis DateUnitTick at 0:59 to 1:02 on Fall Daylight saving time change 2009 Nov 1st (see IMG2 to IMG5). 2. ...

75. Discontinuous DateAxis: can it be done?

Hi all, Thanks for a great charting tool! My question: Is there any way to make a DateAxis display discontinuous data, hopefully by adding something like: DateAxis.hideRange(Date startDate, Date endDate); More detail: I am drawing data from a database showing the number of people entering a venue per hour. One common need is to compare two Saturdays on the same chart, ...

76. Blcok chart with DateAxis vs NumberAxis

The shapes drawn by an XYBlockRenderer are instances of Rectangle2D.Double whose width and height (in pixel) represent the blockWidth and blockHeight (in data coordinates). If you set a blockWidth and blockHeight of 1, the size of the Rectangle will thus not span 1x1 pixel but a number of pixels that correspond to a value range of 1 along the x and ...

77. *Solved* DateAxis w/ SimpleDateFormat start with Hour=01

xAkse = new DateAxis(); xAkse.setTickUnit(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MILLISECOND,450)); xAkse.setTickLabelFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 8)); xAkse.setDateFormatOverride(new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.S")); xAkse.setLowerMargin(0.0); ...

78. Filtered non-linear dateaxis

Hi all I have a dateaxis which is populated with dynamic minute data based on user input, for example from 17/02/2010 to 21/04/2010 (1 record per minute). I now have to apply non-uniform filter on these records, for example a result set could be Mondays 09:12 to 11:37, Tuesdays 11:00 to 13:18 AND 15:12 to 16:37, and Fridays 08:12 to 16:52. ...

79. Question on DateAxis set with lowerMargin and upperMargin

Hi all, I am using a XYPlot to display a time series dataset. When the dateAxis is set with lowerMargin and upperMargin, the dataset is properly drawn with the defined 'offset' from the left and right boundary of the chart. When the dataAxis is set with minimumDate and maximumDate (it means that only partial data in the dataset is drawn) at ...

80. Charts DateAxis / PeriodAxis

// DateAxis axis = (DateAxis) chart.getXYPlot().getDomainAxis(); PeriodAxis axis = new PeriodAxis(null); final TickUnits units = new TickUnits(); units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MINUTE, 15,new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"))); units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.HOUR, 1, new SimpleDateFormat("EE HH:mm"))); units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.DAY, 1, new SimpleDateFormat("EE dd.MM.yyyy"))); units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MONTH, 1, new SimpleDateFormat("MMMMM yyyy"))); axis.setStandardTickUnits(units); PeriodAxisLabelInfo aperiodaxislabelinfo[] = new PeriodAxisLabelInfo[3]; aperiodaxislabelinfo[0] = new PeriodAxisLabelInfo(Hour.class, new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"), new RectangleInsets(), new Font("SansSerif", 0, 10),, true, new BasicStroke(0.0F), ...

81. Subdivisions on DateAxis

Hi all, i was searching for some time on the web but did not find a solution. What i want to achive is to subdivide the DateAxis for a XYBarChart (given a IntervalXYDataset). So i would like to have for example a major tick on each year with the year-number as the tick-label and little subdividing ticks on each month without ...

82. DateAxis does not honor angle requests

DateAxis does not honor angle requests by acechase Thu Jun 17, 2004 8:40 pm I'd like to change the angle of the labels on the DateAxis but all of my angle requests are being ignored. The problem is embedded with the DateAxis.refreshTicksVertical and DateAxis.refreshTicksHorizontal methods as shown here in this code snippet: Code: Select all public ...