Date « Axis « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Time Series: DateAxis showing multiple times the same dates

Hello, When using auto tick unit and when there are a few data items, date axis is showing multiple times the same date. This happen with version jfreechart-1.0.0-pre2 and jfreechart-0.9.21 Is this a bug or can I prevent this using the API? PS: our current work around it to force DateTickUnit if number of data items drops to a limit ... ...

3. Non-Liner Date Axis

Hi Mubashar, This is not possible at present. However, I have a similar requirement, so it will get implemented at some point (I can't make any promises about when though!). I need to be able to display interest rate yield curves, which typically have data points at 1, 7, 30, 60, 90 and 180 days, then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...

4. PeriodAxis force date range

I am trying to force the chart to not auto range my chart based on the data, I want to show 10 years (major ticks) and show the quarters (minor) ticks. Even though my data only goes from 1/1/1965 to 5/31/1965 I want to force the chart to show all 10 years. Calendar minDate = Calendar.getInstance(); minDate.set(1965, 1, 1); Calendar maxDate ...

5. Unabl to put all my dates on X-axis for Time Series Demo3.

Unabl to put all my dates on X-axis for Time Series Demo3. by chowdary Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:53 pm Hi All, I am new to this JFreeChart,i am facing a problem with Timeseries.Itried to Modify TimeSeries Demo3. TimeSeries timeseries = new TimeSeries("Series 1",; timeseries.add(new Day(1,1, 2002), 99.68D); timeseries.add(new Day(2,1, 2002), 97.89D); timeseries.add(new Day(3,1, 2002), 99.99D); timeseries.add(new Day(4,1, 2002), ...

6. Date axis help

Hey all... I have a TimeSeries chart based on the Day.class. When I first started to add data to the chart I noticed that the Domain axis was in hours. I changed the format of it to be: axis.setDateFormatOverride(new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy")), which works great for the first item in there. If I add 3 items, for example, I end up with a ...

7. JFeeChart Problem for single date on x-axis

I have a problem using JFreeChart to draw a time series chart with date on the x-axis and number of hits on the y-axis. If there are more than one dates on the x-axis, the chart is fine. But, if there is only one date on the x-axis, the chart is empthy and there is no data on the y-axis and ...

8. How to show Date on the X-Axis in XYPlot

Hi David, I am looking to draw a chart in which date would be on the X-Axis.In our some previous codes to show date on x-axis we used CategoryPlot but to draw a LinearRegression line we have to use XYPlot instead of Category Plot.Now becoz XYSeries takes Double,Number as input parametes we cannot pass date to it and we have to ...

9. Draw Charts without Date Axis ?

Hi there, I have to draw 4 different charts (let's say one CandleStick and three Line Charts) one above the other. Since they belong together (they all share the same domain and range data) I would like to draw the domain axis (which is a DateAxis) only with the chart at the bottom, i.e. the upper three charts will only show ...

10. Date on X axis,DefaultCategoryDataset,createStackedBarChart

Hi All, I am trying to create a Stacked Bar Chart . With Date as X axis and no of required units as Y axis with multiple series. ChartFactory.createStackedBarChart needs CategoryDataset as its argument. so i was not able to use the TimeSeries Dataset. Is there any way to use Time Series Data set with Stacked Bar Chart. Currently i am ...

11. Date on X axis,DefaultCategoryDataset,createStackedBarChart

Hi All, I am trying to create a Stacked Bar Chart . With Date as X axis and no of required units as Y axis with multiple series. ChartFactory.createStackedBarChart needs CategoryDataset as its argument. so i was not able to use the TimeSeries Dataset. Is there any way to use Time Series Data set with Stacked Bar Chart. Currently i am ...

12. Aligning dates on domain axis

Hi folks, I am trying to produce a time series chart in which the dates / ticks displayed along the domain axis exactly line up with the data points (it's a customer requirement so I can't avoid doing it). At the moment alignment is hit and miss and depends on the size of the chart (both the number of data points ...

13. Range axis - particular date

Hi First of all thanks for your articles and suggestions. Am am final year enginering student surrently engaged with my project. It deal with so many charts and all. I get 90% of done from here only. No am facing a critical issue with gantt chart. And the requirement is i need a horizondal line to show the todays date. can ...

14. jfreetreee with date in mm-yyyy with x axis

hi, I am facing the problem to getting value withjfreetreee with date in mm-yyyy with x axis and amt as y axis. because i am using add (double,double )method whicgh doent let me put value like march,2003 june 2004 etc and getting value form data base>>>>.. how i can get the required result????? the sample code is here >>>>>>>>>>> private JFreeChart ...

16. "collapsing" date axis

On some of our charts (especially intraday charts) the domain axis tends to "collapse". It runs normally from midnight to some point in the afternoon (usually 1500), then the next tickmark is shown at 2300 at a distance of about 2 hours by the axis scale from the previous tickmark. I've so far been unable to track down where this comes ...

17. Date Axis

19. different coloured labels in date axis

by goyalhimanshu2006 Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:25 am u can achieve that by creating a Custom Period Axis class and override some methods to specify ur own logic.. like a sample is given below.. i have done this in my project as well for a similar requirement... u can even use this class directly.. as it shows weekends in Red ...

21. Dates on X axis

22. date ticks on domain axis

The DateAxis works along the same lines as the NumberAxis - it doesn't display the exact values from the dataset, it displays tick values at regular intervals along the axis. If you want the axis to display the dates from your dataset, you'll need to subclass the DateAxis class and override the refreshTicks() method.

23. Timeserieschart X-Axis convert date to an age

Another approach would be to use the same approach as the org.jfree.chart.util.RelativeDateFormat class. That particular implementation shows elapsed time in days, hours, minutes and seconds - but you could write something similar that just shows the elapsed years. If you have the JFreeChart Developer Guide, the demo to look at is

24. Bubble chart and date axis?

Is it possible to have a date axis on a bubble chart? The reason why I am asking is because I need a chart where I can plot shapes using a date and a number (which I have sucessfully done using a scatter plot) but I would like to be able to have a third value where I can control the ...

26. Center moviing average points on date axis points

I have a combination chart with a bar chart and a moving average chart. I can plot both on a DateAxis and ValueAxis. I use the setTickMarkPositions(DateTickMarkPosition.MIDDLE) to center the bar chart on the date ticks but the moving average does not move. Also I cannot change the parameters of the moving average chart such as color. I can change such ...

28. Date Axis values

Hello, First let me say that I am very new to Java and am actually calling the classes and methods via RPG to create these charts. At least for the moment. I have Date Time values in a database and I am converting them to a UTC number to load the data axis values with for a XY Line Chart Here ...

29. DateAxis Duplicated dates!!!

30. Query about setDateFormatOverride for date axis

Hi, I want set the date format depending on the format used for the locale. For this I am using the following calls dateAxis.setDateFormatOverride(DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM,DateFormat.SHORT,getLocale())); This works fine. Now the problem comes when I create tick units depending on the timezone. For example for any timezone dateAxis.setStandardTickUnits(DateAxis.createStandardDateTickUnits( getTimeZone())); even in this case everything works fine. With the following case it doesn't work ...

31. Vertical date axis on TimeSeriesChart

thanks for coming back to me David, Unfortunately I omitted to indicate that I wish to show my 'range' data (distance in this instance) along the horizontal axis. Extending from your example, I would replace the domain axis with a NumberAxis. At this point, would it have just been better to start with an XYPlot? cheers, Ian

32. DateAxis - domain Axis starts with my date of my choice?

Hi, I have a Timeseries chart and ploting XY axis, domain Axis shows the dates on weekly basis and I am using below code to display the DateAxis to show the dates in a gap of 7days. DateAxis dateaxis= (DateAxis) plot.getDomainAxis(); dateaxis.setTickUnit(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.DAY, 7)); Problem is when dates come on the Domain Axis it starts with first day of the week ...

33. mixed date axis value

34. Date axis has inadequate labeling

What i mean is that if the date axis range is only a few minutes or hours the date axis does not show the date, month and year. This particularly needed when zooming in to plots and the context changes but its impossible to know which time period one is zoomed into One way I have seen this solved in other ...

35. Limiting date labels for DateAxis

Hi all! I searched this forum and already found some answers that seem to be close to what i am searching for here, but i couldnt really figure out on how to achieve what im trying to do: I need to limit the number of labels on my DateAxis because otherwise they are overlapping. Since i noticed already that there is ...

36. Scatterplot with Dates in the X-axis

I want to create a scatter plot (possibly multiple floating point values on the same X-date) with the X-axis having the Date format (e.g. days). The problem is that the createTimeSeriesChart method does not accept such a collection - instead it draws a continuing line. How can I make it display dots or points like in a scatter plot?

37. Non-Linear date axis problem

38. First Label on Date Axis

On Date Axis, we want to show the minimum date on the axis. Default behaviour is that it gives the date next to first based on the tick unit. For e.g. if my data is for 1-Jun-2000 to 31-Dec-2010 & if I set tick unit to year, first label shown on the axis Jan-2001 But we want is : Jun-2000 /Jan-2001/Jan-2002/Jan-2003/Jan-2003.... ...

39. X- axis date is not visible

40. This is how I did Dates on x-axis !

This is how I did Dates on x-axis ! by Mudit Wahal Tue Apr 16, 2002 7:22 pm For those who want to know, here's how I did it. My problem: I'm getting daily and intraday data of stock from my sqlserver. When I plotted it using DefaultHighLowDataset, it's showing gaps because of weekends and holidays. 1.0 Created a ...