List of Free code UITextView


  • AVTagTextView
    A category that adds an instragram like hashtag choosing/ listing capability to the UITextView.
  • HyperlinkingTextView
    Sample app which demonstrates how to create tappable links in a UITextView.
  • JHStatusTextView
    A custom UITextView specifically made for social status updates.
  • MADismissiveTextView
    A drop in UITextView subclass that handles dismissing the keyboard with your finger, just like in the
  • UIPlaceHolderTextView
    subclass UITextView to enable placeholder attribute.
  • UITextViewLinkOptions
    Open urls in a UITextView either in a custom webView or Safari.
  • Web ContentView
    Web ContentView provides a simple native interface for rendering rich HTML content in an iPhone app using a UIWebView. It is not designed to work as a embedded web browser for on or offline content, it doesn't load URLs think of it more as a "rich" version of the UITextView, where content can be set using HTML instead of plain text.