List of Free code UISlider


  • CCGLTouch
    This wrapper eases the use of Cinder in a typical Cocoa Touch project. Thus allowing C++/Obj C creative coders to build iOS (iPhone, iPad) apps showing several "Cinder sketches" in tabs or Split View configurations, and using UISlider's, UISwitch's, etc. to control them.
  • CHYSlider
    A custom UISlider View subclass.
  • Circular UISlider
    A circular UISlider for iOS.
  • CurvySlider
    Sample Curvy UISlider for iphone.
  • iOS Custom UISlider
    Custom UISlider to change the hue of a background.
  • PQSliderPreview
    Subclass of UISlider to make a preview of array of images or a PDF document.
  • SoundMixer Fader UI
    Just for practise, A control for sound mixer board UI. The control is customised UISlider transformed to vertical. The value is getting displayed in UILabel with glowing text.
  • TDRatingScale
    The TDRatingScale is similar to regular UISlider except that it has some best custom graphics which is more intuitive.The purpose of this custom slider is to provide mechanism for getting input from the user that represents a range from the UI point.
  • Two Sided UISlider
    A more complex rendition of a UISlider. Instead of controlling one parameter, this combines a horizontal slider and a vertical slider so that the user can control 2 parameters simultaneously.
  • UICircularSlider
    an iOS UISlider which displays value in a circle / pie.
  • uislider popover
    Learn to customize the UISlider in iOS, and add a floating popover view that displays the current value of the slider. This can be seen in effect, in our Metal Black template which you can download for free at