Maven Repository - POM file for Java Library jsr-275 0.9.4 0.9.4



JSR-275 specifies Java packages for the programmatic handling of physical quantities and their expression as numbers of units..


Here is the list of declaration for jsr-275. If you use Maven you can use the following code to add the dependency for this POM file.


If you think this Maven repository POM file listing for jsr-275 is inappropriate, such as containing malicious code/tools or violating the copyright, please email info at java2s dot com, thanks.


Name:Specification License

Depends on

The jsr-275-0.9.4 has 1 dependencies.The most popular ones are listed in the following table along with their categories and number of artifacts depending on them.

CategoryArtifactDepended By Count
JUnitjunit 3.8.2
JUnit is a regression testing framework written by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck. It is used by the developer who implements unit tests in Java.


The following plugins are used in the jsr-275-0.9.4.jar

  1. colapi
  2. emma-maven-plugin
  3. findbugs-maven-plugin
  4. javacc-maven-plugin
  5. maven-compiler-plugin
  6. maven-jar-plugin
  7. maven-javadoc-plugin
  8. maven-license-plugin
  9. maven-pmd-plugin
  10. maven-resources-plugin
  11. maven-surefire-report-plugin


The following packages are defined in the jsr-275-0.9.4.jar


POM File Source

Here is the content of the POM file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- =======================================================================
        Maven Project Configuration File

        The JSR-275 Project
     ======================================================================= -->

<!-- $Id: pom.xml 76 2009-12-03 22:53:52Z keilw $ -->
<project xmlns=""


  <!-- ==================================================== -->
  <!--     Project description (including license)          -->
  <!-- ==================================================== -->

    JSR-275 specifies Java packages for the programmatic handling
    of physical quantities and their expression as numbers of units.

            <name>Specification License</name>


  <!-- =========================================================== -->
  <!--     Issue managements and mailing lists.                    -->
  <!-- =========================================================== -->


            <name>JSR-275 EG</name>

  <!-- =========================================================== -->
  <!--     Developers and Contributors                             -->
  <!-- =========================================================== -->

            <name>Daniel Leuck</name>
                <role>EG Member</role>
                <role>Repository Admin</role>
            <name>Brian Frank</name>
                <role>EG Member</role>
            <name>Bruce Hamilton</name>
                <role>EG Member</role>
            <name>Chris Downey</name>
                <role>EG Member</role>
            <name>John Murray</name>
                <role>EG Member</role>
            <name>Gordan Vosicki</name>
                <role>EG Member</role>
            <name>Steve Metsker</name>
            <organization>CapTech Ventures</organization>
                <role>Spec Lead (Emeritus)</role>

  <!-- =========================================================== -->
  <!--     Dependency Management                                   -->
  <!--                                                             -->
  <!--     Reference:               -->
  <!-- =========================================================== -->
        <dependency> <!-- Validation tests -->

  <!-- ======================================================= -->
  <!--     Build Settings                                      -->
  <!-- ======================================================= -->
        <sourceEncoding>UTF-8</sourceEncoding> <!-- in Maven 3. -->

      <!-- ======================================================= -->
      <!--     Pre-Compilation                                     -->
      <!-- ======================================================= -->        

      <!-- ======================================================= -->
      <!--     License                                             -->
      <!-- ======================================================= -->        
      <!-- ======================================================= -->
      <!--     Compilation                                         -->
      <!-- ======================================================= -->

      <!-- ======================================================= -->
      <!--     Resources                                           -->
      <!-- ======================================================= -->

      <!-- ======================================================= -->
      <!--     Custom Javadoc plugin                               -->
      <!-- ======================================================= -->
      <!-- ======================================================= -->
      <!--     Packaging                                           -->
      <!-- ======================================================= -->            
                    <!-- mode>development</mode> TODO call it stage?              
                            <SCM-Revision>$Revision: 76 $</SCM-Revision>

    <!-- ======================================================= -->
    <!--     For deployment on subversion           -->
    <!--     See                 -->
    <!-- ======================================================= -->

  <!-- ======================================================= -->
  <!--     Maven web site                                      -->
  <!-- ======================================================= -->
      <!-- ======================================================= -->
      <!--     Javadoc generation                                  -->
      <!--                                                         -->
      <!--     Do not set <docfilessubdirs> to true, since this    -->
      <!--     cause the unwanted copy of .svn sub-directories.    -->
      <!-- ======================================================= -->
                    <source>1.5</source>             <!-- Enables javadoc to handle assertions present in J2SE 1.4.  -->
                    <encoding>UTF-8</encoding>       <!-- The encoding of the source files.                          -->
                    <docencoding>UTF-8</docencoding> <!-- The encoding of the generated HTML files.                  -->
                    <charset>UTF-8</charset>         <!-- Specifies the HTML character set for this document.        -->
                    <locale>en</locale>              <!-- Locale that javadoc uses when generating documentation.    -->
                    <noqualifier>all</noqualifier>   <!-- Omit qualifying package name before class names in output. -->
                    <quiet>true</quiet>              <!-- Shuts off non-error and non-warning messages.              -->
                    <keywords>true</keywords>        <!-- Adds HTML meta keyword tags to the generated files.        -->

          <!-- Creates links to existing javadoc-generated   -->
          <!-- documentation of external referenced classes. -->

      <!-- ======================================================= -->
      <!--     Code analysis                                       -->
      <!-- ======================================================= -->

      <!-- ======================================================= -->
      <!--     Report on test results                              -->
      <!-- ======================================================= -->

      <!-- ======================================================= -->
      <!--     Report on test coverage                             -->
      <!-- ======================================================= -->

      <!-- ======================================================= -->
      <!--     Static analysis for occurences of bug patterns      -->
      <!-- ======================================================= -->

  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  <!--     Repositories. This is where Maven looks for dependencies. The  -->
  <!--     Maven repository is implicit and doesn't need to be specified. -->
  <!-- ================================================================== -->
            <name> Repository for Maven</name>

  <!-- ==================================================== -->
  <!--     Deployment to public servers                     -->
  <!-- ==================================================== -->