Maven Repository - Web Framework

Maven Repository for Web Framework.

ArtifactDescriptionArtifact CountDepend By Count
Java-WebSocketA barebones WebSocket client and server implementation written in 100% Java191
appengine api 1 0 sdkAPIs that App Engine provides to you to build your application.2199
boilerpipeThe boilerpipe library provides algorithms to detect and remove the surplus "clutter" (boilerplate, templates) around the main textual content of a web page. The library already provides specific strategies for common tasks (for example: news article extraction) and may also be easily extended for...110
cocoon-coreModule that contains dependencies to all modules normally needed for a basic Cocoon webapp. Cocoon blocks should normally depend on this modules, as the exact content of the more fine grained sitemap, pipeline and support modules is not stable yet. This module also contains some classes...218
commons-validatorCommons Validator provides the building blocks for both client side validation and server side data validation. It may be used standalone or with a framework like Struts.350
cssparserA CSS parser which implements SAC (the Simple API for CSS).243
docbkx-maven-pluginA Maven plugin for generating HTML from DocBook.17
doxia-coreDoxia core classes and interfaces.382
doxia-linkcheckDoxia linkcheck is a tool to check the validity of links124
doxia-module-aptA Doxia module for Almost Plain Text source documents. APT format is supported both as source and target formats.154
doxia module docbook simpleA Doxia module for Simplified DocBook documents. DocBook format is supported both as source and target formats.245
doxia-module-fmlA Doxia module for FML source documents.114
doxia-module-twikiA Doxia module for Twiki source documents. Twiki format is supported both as source and target formats.246
doxia-module-xhtmlA Doxia module for Xhtml source documents.222
doxia-sink-apiDoxia Sink API.6140
doxia-site-rendererThe Site Renderer handles the rendering of sites, merging site decoration with document content.5102
dwrDWR Direct Web Remoting AJAX library333
errai-busErrai Bus338
esxx-httpclient-gaeTynamo packaged httpclient support for Google App Engine from esxx.org120
fluteFlute implements The Simple API for CSS (SAC) using JavaCC.110
google-api-clientGoogle API Client Library for Java. Supports Java 5 (or higher) desktop (SE) and web (EE), Android, and Google App Engine.189
google-http-clientGoogle HTTP Client Library for Java. Functionality that works on all supported Java platforms, including Java 5 (or higher) desktop (SE) and web (EE), Android, and Google App Engine.550
gradle appengine builder modelTooling model for Gradle App Engine plugin18
halbuilder-coreJava based builder for the Hal specification http:/ / hal_specification.html122
hiccupA fast library for rendering HTML in Clojure15
htmllexerHTML Lexer is the low level lexical analyzer.111
htmlparserHTML Parser is the high level syntactical analyzer.243
hudson-coreContains the core Hudson code and view files to render HTML.2176
hudson-warCreates a war file. Also includes additional static web resources, such as images, CSS, JavaScript, and some HTML files.3310
jackson module jsonSchemaAdd-on module for Jackson (http:/ / to support JSON Schema (http:/ / html/ draft-zyp-json-schema-03) version 3 generation.110
javax.websocket-apiJSR 356: Java API for WebSocket125
jericho-htmlJericho HTML Parser is a java library allowing analysis and manipulation of parts of an HTML document, including server-side tags, while reproducing verbatim any unrecognised or invalid HTML. It also provides high-level HTML form manipulation functions.119
json-rpcJavaScript to Java AJAX communications library15
jsoupjsoup HTML parser463
jtidyJTidy is a Java port of HTML Tidy, a HTML syntax checker and pretty printer. Like its non-Java cousin, JTidy can be used as a tool for cleaning up malformed and faulty HTML. In addition, JTidy provides a DOM parser for real-world HTML. Hudson modifications: ===================== ...4153
markdownjMarkdownJ is the pure Java port of Markdown, a text-to-html conversion tool written by John Gruber.112
maven-doxia-toolsA collection of tools to help the integration of Doxia in Maven plugins.114
mule-transport-ajaxA Mule transport for receiving and dispatching AJAX events using Cometd (Bayeux)119
nekohtmlAn HTML parser and tag balancer.5105 for smooth representation of JSON objects in Java. Write your application in Java and present it using modern HTML rendering technologies like Knockout.123
net sourceforge htmlunit allHTML Unit Testing Framework wrapped bundle114
portal-serviceContains interfaces for the portal services. Interfaces are only loaded by the global class loader and are shared by all plugins.243
scalatra-auth_2.10Scalatra authentication module115
scalatra-json_2.10JSON support for Scalatra235
scalatra scalate 2 10Scalate integration with Scalatra235
scalatra scalatest 2 10ScalaTest support for the Scalatra test framework121
scalatra_2.10The core Scalatra framework235
scalatra_2.9.1The core Scalatra framework112
slf4j-jclSee http:/ / Javadocs for the JCLLoggerAdapter are available at http:/ / api/ org/ slf4j/ impl/ JCLLoggerAdapter.html1144
slf4j-log4j12See http:/ / Javadocs for the Log4jLoggerAdapter are available at http:/ / api/ org/ slf4j/ impl/ Log4jLoggerAdapter.html21270
slf4j-simpleSee http:/ / Javadocs for the SimpleLogger are available at http:/ / api/ org/ slf4j/ impl/ SimpleLogger.html1648
smartspritesCSS Sprites Generator Done Right. SmartSprites maintains CSS sprites in your designs, fully automatically. No tedious copying and pasting to your CSS when adding or changing sprited images.115
struts-annotationsstruts-annotations adds apt generation support for struts based annotated projetcs, such as TLD and documentation generation from annotated component classes as used in struts216
truthRelocates org.truth0:truth to See http:/ / guides/ mini/ guide-relocation.html15
webbitA Java event based WebSocket and HTTP server225
wicketWicket is a Java web application framework that takes simplicity, separation of concerns and ease of development to a whole new level. Wicket pages can be mocked up, previewed and later revised using standard WYSIWYG HTML design tools. Dynamic content processing and form handling is all...372
wicket-coreWicket is a Java web application framework that takes simplicity, separation of concerns and ease of development to a whole new level. Wicket pages can be mocked up, previewed and later revised using standard WYSIWYG HTML design tools. Dynamic content processing and form handling is all...346
yuicompressor maven pluginTo compress (Minify + Ofuscate) Javascript files and CSS files (using YUI Compressor from Julien Lecomte) and/ or to check Javascript files with jslint.112
zcommons-elZK Commons EL117
zhtmlZK XHTML components19
zkbindZK Bind117
zkplusZK plus utilities119