Maven Repository - Jetty

Maven Repository for Jetty.

ArtifactDescriptionArtifact CountDepend By Count
arquillian jetty embedded 7Jetty Embedded 7.x and 8.x container integration for the Arquillian project111
camel-jettyCamel Jetty support351
cargo core container jettyCore API implementation for Jetty containers131
com.sun.elThis artifact originates from the Orbit Project at Eclipse, it is an osgi bundle and is signed as well.18
cxf rt transports http jettyApache CXF Runtime HTTP Jetty Transport393
fabric3-jettyFabric3 HTTP Transport based on Jetty121
javax.annotationThis artifact originates from the Orbit Project at Eclipse, it is an osgi bundle and is signed as well.1152
javax.elThis artifact originates from the Orbit Project at Eclipse, it is an osgi bundle and is signed as well.181
javax.servletThis artifact originates from the Orbit Project at Eclipse, it is an osgi bundle and is signed as well.1147
javax.servlet.jspThis artifact originates from the Orbit Project at Eclipse, it is an osgi bundle and is signed as well.114
javax servlet jsp jstlThis artifact originates from the Orbit Project at Eclipse, it is an osgi bundle and is signed as well.115
javax.transactionThis artifact originates from the Orbit Project at Eclipse, it is an osgi bundle and is signed as well.123
jersey container jetty httpJetty Http Container18
jettyJetty server core13731
jetty-annotationsAnnotation support for deploying servlets in jetty.234
jetty-continuationAsynchronous API7119
jetty-deployJetty deployers2106
jetty-jmxJMX management artifact for jetty.597
jetty-jndiJNDI spi impl for java namespace.242
jetty-jsp-2.1Additions to Jasper implementation from Glassfish115
jetty-managementJetty JMX251
jetty-namingJNDI spi impl for java namespace262
jetty-osgi-bootJetty OSGi Boot bundle19
jetty-plusJetty JavaEE style services9207
jetty-repackedA repacked jetty124
jetty rewrite handlerJetty Rewrite Handler112
jetty-securityJetty security infrastructure11170
jetty-serverThe core jetty server artifact.33474
jetty-servletJetty Servlet Container23385
jetty-servletsUtility Servlets from Jetty579
jetty-utilUtility classes for Jetty28547
jetty-util5Utility classes for Jetty using JRE 1.517
jetty-webappJetty web application support17286
jetty6-deployerGeronimo deployer for Jetty 6 Web Server integration.222
maven jetty pluto embeddedArtifact allowing pluto to be embedded in Jetty in a maven project. This makes it possible to use the maven-jetty-plugin and create a launcher in Eclipse for running your portlets.136
mule-transport-jettyA Mule transport for Jetty Http Connectivity or binding to other Servlet containers. This transport can be used to embed a Jetty server used to service inbound http endpoints.653
org apache jasper glassfishThis artifact originates from the Orbit Project at Eclipse, it is an osgi bundle and is signed as well.216
org apache taglibs standard glassfishThis artifact originates from the Orbit Project at Eclipse, it is an osgi bundle and is signed as well.17
pax-web-jetty-bundlePax Web is a OSGi Http Service based on Jetty 6. Detailed information to be found at http:/ / confluence/ x/ AYAz.110
r2-jettyPegasus is a framework for building robust, scalable service architectures using dynamic discovery and simple asychronous type-checked REST + JSON APIs.326
testatoo container jettyTestatoo Jetty Container15
testing-toolsTools that for automated testing of clients of web-services. This package includes a simple HTTP Server Simulator based on Jetty, which supports SSL.113
unfiltered jetty 2 10Jetty server embedding module112
unfiltered jetty 2 9 1Jetty server embedding module131
unfiltered jetty 2 9 2Jetty server embedding module218