List of Free code MySQL
Ajax PHP MySQL Chat system.
Query manager for your MySQL database.
node.js web framework with rich features such as mvc, mysql orm, authentication and role based access control, testing, logging etc.
a PHP/mySQL server version of Tiddlywiki.
Pinterest clone for a databases course. Built with Flask, Bootstrap, and MySQL. Spring 2012?.
crud bones
Sample CRUD application with Node.JS, using MySQL, Mongo and Redis. Basically, I am using it as a boilerplate (template, skeleton) for all new backend apps I start.
Customer app that was shown during a Sencha webinar on 23rd May 2013. Includes Architect project, PHP code, and MySQL database scripts.
dba py
A MySQL database manager.
DBSlayer is a lightweight asynchronous HTTP/ JSON database abstraction for MySQL.
Diagraph is a web based Diagramming software based on the latest HTML5 web technology (Javascript, CSS3, AJAX ) with a PHP/MySQL backend.
Node.js DNS server backed by mysql.
Kleines Skript zum Erstellen mehrere Dropboxen und hochladen der Daten per HTML5 Drag &Drop Upload. Ben?tigt Mysql.
MySQL database version manager.
mysql client in cluster, based on node mysql.
ee mysql orm
object relationale mapper for node.js. reads the model from the database.
Extjs4 PHP MySQL
Simple CRUD using Extjs 4 MVC style with PHP/MySQL.
A web interface for the FreeRadius radpostauth MySQL table.
This is a code skeleton for quick starting development of Bootstrap+PHP+MySQL web apps using good practices and security conserns.
heroapp Teeny URL
URL Shortener (NodeJS + MySQL).
jabberauth mysql
Auth scripts for ejabberd daemon. It stores hashed passwords on a database for users autentication.
json store
Storing JSON data in MySQL, as simply as possible.
KMDG Job Board
Minimalist, color coordinated PHP / MySQL / jQuery / AJAX job board.
Realtime online multiplayer role playing game using AJAX and a pure PHP/MySQL backend.
minecraft online log
Minecraft bukkit server mod that logs online players to a mysql database.
move a mysql table to a mongodb collection.
my json
Use a MySQL database as a JSON document store (in Node).
GUI to connect to and query a local mySQL database.
Light weight MySQL database viewer and executor in the browser.
mysql2 parse
experiment migration from mysql to the Parse cloud.
node mysql
[obsolete] pure Javascript MySQL network driver for node.js.
node mysql benchmarks
Benchmarks for MySQL client modules for Node.js.
node webservice example
A simple restfull webservice using express.js, jade, express resource, node mysql libmysqlclient and node syslog. Just for learning purpouses.
nodejs mysql native
Native mysql async client for node.js.
Nodejs Socketio Mysql Demo
How to do queries in nodejs.
NoJSQL is an open sourced Javascript library engine to run and analyze mySQL statements on a local mySQL representational jSON database.
Php program to manage your mySQL databases.
PhoneGap App
android + phonegap + mysql + json.
PHP MySQL JQuery CSS Database search
a search application based on using AJAX to search data in a MySQL database.
Polaroid Previewer
Photo gallery which can preview, zoom, drag, drop, search and sort images in HTML5 Canvas. Written as a jQuery plugin. Example PHP to load files from a directory and descriptions from MySQL.
Sinatra/jQuery mysql database client.
sensor database
Work project. Yii web interface for mysql db.
MySQL database GUI designed to be lightweight, easy to use, extremely handy, and just plain good looking.
Tugux CMS
Tugux CMS was developed to understand and practice PHP/MYSQL easily for students its not to use for comercial use there are few security bugs.
work based on PHP MySQL database access wrapper.html.
PHP MySQL database class.