List of Free code JSONP
bakusoku jsonp
Codeless Blog Widgets framework.
connect jsonp
Simple jsonp response decorator for connect.
cors lite
Serving JSON using CORS with JSONP fallback.
dart jsonp example
Example of handling JSONP in Dart.
experimenting with web widgets
Playing around with javascript web widgets using jsonp.
json proxy
A utility for UI developers to proxy JSON API calls to remote servers while serving all other requests locally without CORS or JSONP. Works both as a CLI utility and as middleware for Grunt/Express/Connect.
jsonp client
jsonp minimal client for the browser (1.4K) and Node.js.
A Javascript library that provides access to multiple JSONP API's through a unified, extensible, and easy to use interface.
A JS module for managing JSONP requests, responses and errors.
Everything to JSONP converter. Gateway for crossdomain requests.
leaflet search
Leaflet Control for searching markers/features by attribute on map or remote searching in jsonp/ ajax.
A node server and module which allows for cross domain page scraping on web documents with JSONP or POST.
reddit image browser
An client side image browser for Reddit using jQuery to process unauthenticated JSONP with some D3.js processing.