List of Free code SQLite
Active Android
Active record style SQLite persistence for Android.
Andro SQLite
learn android with SQLite database.
Android .SQLite
How to implement SQLite database on Android platform.
android data utils
A collection of utility classes to make working with SQLite databases in Android apps a little easier.
android database helper
A simple library to make implementing content providers that use a sqlite database easy.
android database sqlcipher
a mirror of the Android SQLite API based on SQLCipher.
android db drafts
examples to understand how work with a sqlite database in android -os.
Android DBSample
Sample activity to explore using a SQLLite database.
android grog db
A Simple Wrapper around the Android SQLite Database API.
Android Joke App
An Android app that displays jokes, split up into categories. It stores the jokes and categories in a SQLite database , with a small amount of default jokes/categories. The user is able to delete, edit, and add jokes as well as categories.
android lazyloading cursor
android -lazyloading-cursor is a lazy loading version of android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor.
Android Login App
A simple SQLite login application developed for Android. I'm looking to slowly start developing this into a more complex database which would link to an external database and would be able handle more user data.
Android Persistent Cookies
Cookie store that persists the cookies in SQLite database.
android sqlite asset helper
An Android helper class to manage database creation and version management using an application's raw asset files.
android sqlite database
How to use the SQLite database in Android applications.
Android SQLite Database Tutorial
Android SQLite Database Tutorial.
Android SQLite TODO App Example
Today we are going to show you how to use Android SQLite database in your applications. Our sample application stores TODO Tasks. It displays a list of TODOs, when an element of the list is clicked it is removed from the database. Our application also.
Android SqliteInsertTime
This Program count Time of Insert Query of Sqlite Database with different Techniques.
Android YboDb
A little Java framework to help in the use of an SQLite Database in Android.
Database CRUD Operations
Android project to perform CRUD operations SQLlite.
Database DemoApp
A demo application for creating and accessing SQLite Database in Android.
Database LockedDemo
Worked with multiple tables at same time using SQLite database in Android.
database Sample
sample of add/delete functionality of the android database sqlite.
Database Testing
Testing the magical land of databases and SQLite in Android.
Dump Sqlite Database on Android.
how to write/read from a SQLlite database ( Android ).
External SQlite database
Use an external SQLite database in an Android App -- working example.
Group Messenger Android
Developed an android based group messenger which implemented Distributed system's Total and Causal ordering algorithm. It was developed using SQLite as database.
mobilejazz android database
Helper classes to support creating SQLite based local caches for remote server data.
An Android Multi Thread SQLiteOpenHelper. Enhanced SQLiteOpenHelper for Android applications where several threads might open and close the same sqlite database.
Open Database 4j
A SQLite database written for Android platform.
Wrapper classes for Android SQLite database. Simplifying database implementation. Eliminate the need of using SQL in your code. Modeling your database into objects.
PullYour Database
Pull your sqlite database in Android device from your data directory to sdcard.
qc dbaccess
QC_DbAccess is an Android library that allows you to more easily use the SQLite Database found on Android devices.
QM Android
Questionnaire Manager,it's an Android Application that uses the data from an SQLite Database and can share a Questionaire to collect the answers in a Database. It could use for a general purposes.
Simple Android SQLite Database
Basic connection to an sqlite database.
sqlite to SQLCipher
A small Android application that converts a.sqlite to an encrypted SQLCipher database using a password. These encrypted databases will be ready to include in another project's APK.
SQLite tool for android
a tool for handling sqlite databases in android devices.
A perfectly working android application and it can be used as an example of sqlite database for android.
An Android app which stores information in a SQLite database.
Extended SQLite functionality for Android.
This Project shows a sample of how to use the SQLite database in your Android projects. I hope you like =).
Master-master database replication for Android 's SQLite.
StoredSQLiteQueryApp 00002
Populating and Quering SQLite Databases on Android.
TSGT Android Projects
App that collects data from the user and stores it in a SQLite database.
Android - a library that makes it easier and safe to work with SQLite databases.
A Library for building SQLite database and Content Provider on Android.
Simple Android Application with SQLite Database.