List of Free code ORM
Android Lib Database
An ORM library for Android that provides handy functionalities for CRUD operations of POJOs in an object-oriented way.
android orm
Siminov Android Object Relationship Mapping (ORM).
Android OrmLiteContentProvider
[ Android ] This is a library that easy to make using ContentProvider with OrmLite.
ORMDroid is a simple ORM persistence framework for your Android applications.
ormlite android
ORMLite Android functionality used in conjunction with ormlite-core.
ormlite android extras
ORMLite Extras for Android.
ormlite core
Core ORMLite functionality that provides Java ORM in conjunction with ormlite-jdbc or ormlite- android.
This is an Android tutorial-project which demonstrates how to get started using ORMLite in your Android apps. This simple app allows to create Wish-lists and wishes inside a wish-list. On a DB level there are two entities: WishList and WishItem, joined.