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package com.noobygames.castleinvaders; //www.j a v a 2s .c o m import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.noobgygames.castleinvaders.ui.TextureElement; import com.noobygames.castleinvaders.World.Species; import com.noobygames.castleinvaders.World.States; import com.noobygames.nerzal.castleinvaders.spells.Spells; import com.noobygames.utils.ui.Table; /** @author Tobi **/ public class WorldRenderer { static final float FRUSTUM_WIDTH = 1280; static final float FRUSTUM_HEIGTH = 768; final CastleInvaders game; public WorldRenderer renderer; World world; private TextureRegion keyFrame; States state; Species species; BitmapFont font; public OrthographicCamera camera; private Player player; private Table table; public WorldRenderer(World world, final CastleInvaders gam, Player player, Table table) { = world; game = gam; Assets.load(game); font = new BitmapFont(); font.setScale(3); this.player = player; this.table = table; camera = new OrthographicCamera(); camera.setToOrtho(false, FRUSTUM_WIDTH, FRUSTUM_HEIGTH); camera.update(); game.batch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); } public void render() {; renderBackground();;, GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); game.batch.begin(); renderMobs(World.mobs); renderMobs(World.enemyEntities); renderSpells(World.spells); renderProjectiles(World.projectiles); // renderGui(); renderTable(); if ( && World.levelEnd) drawWin(); else if (! && World.levelEnd) drawWin(); // drawGolemSelection(x,y); font.draw(game.batch, "Level:" + player.getLevel(), 70, 695); font.draw(game.batch, "Mana: " + Math.round(world.mana) + "/" + (int) world.maxMana, 70, 730); font.draw(game.batch, "HP: " + World.hp + "/100", 70, 765); game.batch.end(); } private void renderTable() { table.draw(game.batch); } private void renderProjectiles(Array<Projectile> projectiles) { for (Projectile obj : projectiles) { if (!obj.isHitTarget()) { switch (obj.species) { default: if (!obj.isHitTarget()) game.batch.draw(Assets.arrow, obj.getCenterX(), obj.position.y, 30, 60); break; } } } } private void renderSpells(Array<Spells> spells) { for (Spells i : spells) { try { switch (i.getSpell()) { case fireBolt: if (!i.isHitTarget()) { keyFrame = Assets.fireBolt.getKeyFrame( i.getStateTime(), true); game.batch.draw(keyFrame, i.position.x, i.position.y, 25, 25); keyFrame = Assets.sparklets.getKeyFrame( i.getStateTime(), true); game.batch.draw(keyFrame, i.getCenterX(), i.position.y, 30, 30); break; } else { keyFrame = Assets.fireBolt.getKeyFrame( i.getStateTime(), true); if (i.getTarget() != null) game.batch.draw(keyFrame, i.getTarget() .getCenterX(), i.position.y, 35, 35); break; } case grumblingIce: if (!i.isHitTarget()) { keyFrame = Assets.grumblingIce.getKeyFrame( i.getStateTime(), true); game.batch.draw(keyFrame, i.position.x, i.position.y + 10, 100, 90); break; } else { keyFrame = Assets.iceSpike; if (i.getTarget() != null) game.batch.draw(keyFrame, i.getTarget().position.x, i.getTarget().position.y, 60, 130); } break; } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.out .println("Indezes for Spells ran out of exceptions!! Oh noes!"); } } } /** * This function draws every element depending on the species of the 2 lists * onto the framebuffer * * @param mobs * List of DynamicGameObjects (mobs) to render * **/ private void renderMobs(Array<GameLiving> mobs) { for (GameLiving mob : mobs) { if (mob.getAnimation() == null)"Null", mob.toString()); game.batch.draw(mob.getAnimation(), mob.position.x, mob.position.y, mob.width, mob.height); } } private void renderBackground() { game.batch.begin(); game.batch.draw(Assets.background, 0, 0); game.batch.end(); } public void setSize(int width, int height) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void drawGolemSelection(int x, int y) {; game.batch.begin(); game.batch.draw(Assets.golemSelectionRegion, x, y); game.batch.end(); } public void drawWin() {; game.batch.draw(Assets.window, 60, 60, 1160, 648); font.draw(game.batch, "Tap to continue", 370, 250); } public void drawTex(TextureElement stickToMouse, Vector3 touchPoint) { game.batch.begin(); game.batch.draw(stickToMouse.getTex(), touchPoint.x, touchPoint.y, 65, 65); game.batch.end(); } }