List of Free code GPS
Android Service Station Locator
An Android application uses GPS coordinates taken from a live database to reference GPS coordinates on the map in the Dublin area, with many other features.
Scavenger Hunt for Dreamforce 2011. The development of this Android application will be the subject of discussion during the "Application Development with Android " session. The app enables a GPS-based scavenger hunt around San Francisco during the week of Dreamforce. Uses oAuth 2.0, REST API,, and GPS on the device.
In-place Exif GPS tag remover for images on Android.
gps based treasure hunt game for android.
Lightweight GPS Logging Application For Android. Available on the Android Market as "GPSLogger for Android ".
No Exif
Application Android permettant de vider simplement les donn?es EXIF (coordonn?es GPS, mod?le de t?l?phone, date, heure,...) int?gr?es ? la photo AVANT de la partager. No-Exif utilise un fichier temporaire, les photos originales ne sont pas modifi?es.
osmtracker android
GPS tracking tool for OpenStreetMap.
Photo GPSRemove
Android app to scrub GPS coordinates for specific locations.