List of Free code GPS


  • Android Service Station Locator
    An Android application uses GPS coordinates taken from a live database to reference GPS coordinates on the map in the Dublin area, with many other features.
  • DreamforcengerHunt
    Scavenger Hunt for Dreamforce 2011. The development of this Android application will be the subject of discussion during the "Application Development with Android " session. The app enables a GPS-based scavenger hunt around San Francisco during the week of Dreamforce. Uses oAuth 2.0, REST API,, and GPS on the device.
  • GeoStripper
    In-place Exif GPS tag remover for images on Android.
  • goldrush
    gps based treasure hunt game for android.
  • gpslogger
    Lightweight GPS Logging Application For Android. Available on the Android Market as "GPSLogger for Android ".
  • No Exif
    Application Android permettant de vider simplement les donn?es EXIF (coordonn?es GPS, mod?le de t?l?phone, date, heure,...) int?gr?es ? la photo AVANT de la partager. No-Exif utilise un fichier temporaire, les photos originales ne sont pas modifi?es.
  • osmtracker android
    GPS tracking tool for OpenStreetMap.
  • Photo GPSRemove
    Android app to scrub GPS coordinates for specific locations.

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