List of Free code Camera
3 DSModel AR
Load and display a 3 DS file on camera view using JPCT. Basic Augmented Reality on Android.
AB ITS Inc Flashlight Android
A basic, ad-free, flashlight application that falls back to using the screen if a camera LED is not present on the device.
Android Camera Example
A sample android camera example.
android camera gallery example
Simple app that select a picture from gallery or camera.
Android Camera Stream Module
Appcelerator Camera Stream Module.
android camera tests
Tests with the android camera and some opencv stuff.
android camera with opencv sample
Android Camera Sample + OpenCV lib.
Android ContactlessVitalSigns
Using the Android camera , the app detects faces and starts to calculate heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature.
Android LED Incapacitator
Exploring the Bucha effect from a camera phone flash.
android packages apps Camera
AOSP Camera app - modified for htc hero.
android packages apps FFCFix
Temporary work-around for FFC on msm7x30 ICS Camera HAL.
android packages apps Focal
Open Source Android Camera App | don't forget android _external_Focal repo.
Android Scene
An Android app that manipulates scenes captured from the camera. Will add more features later.
Playing with the Android Camera.
AndroidCamera App
HW#2: Uses CWAC (CommonsWare) camera library to show and manipulate the camera.
AndroidCamera PreviewAPI8
A sample application to show how to create a camera preview app for android API level 8. Keeping the aspect ratio of the preview and not subclassing SurfaceView.
ar. camera SDK
Test Camera with the Android SDK.
Ascii Camera
View the world in ASCII on your Android device.
Auto Camera
This is an Android app that is an activity that automatically takes a picture.
A sample Android camera app live coded at TriDroid meetup.
Sample Android Camera Application.
Camera Coder
Visible Light Communication Test for Android.
Camera DCIM
DCIM compliant Android Camera (and Camcorder).
Camera Example
An example of taking pictures programmatically in Android on a timed loop.
Camera Face Eyes Mouth
Sample Android app to detect the face, eyes, and mouth and draw items over the camera preview to denote where they are.
Camera Loop
Testing Android 2.1 application that continuously takes pictures.
Camera Overlay
Android app, free on google play.
camera play
Playing with the Android Camera.
Camera PreviewSample
Sample code of Android camera preview.
our cool android camera !.
Make Android view CCTV Camera.
Simple camera timer app for Android.
Confluence Camera
Take pictures with your Android device and upload them as attachments in Atlassian Confluence.
CxemCar2 Android RC Car Project with Camera.
An android application which provides the functionality of dash camera in modern vehicles.
Custom camera for Android created for testing, playing and learning. You will find a lot of useful stuff in this little app.
Digisystech BlueTrigger
Android Open Source Blue Tooth Camera Triggering Software.
Android camera app for papers.
Duchess Camera
Duchess France Android Application.
Edge Detection Camera Preview Filter for Android.
An encrypted Camera application for android.
Face Camera
This can serve as a starting point if you are interested in integrating android camera with android face detect.
Frosted Window
Android experiment, playing with the camera API and a couple of effects.
HeightCatcher is an open source application for a camera -enabled mobile device (e.g. Android tablet or phone) that can measure the height on an infant and use age and weight inputs to calculate a Z score for that infant.
Hidden Camera
WIP Android hidden camera app.
JME3 Android Camera
A demo for integrating the Android camera with jMonkeyEngine.
Kiss The Presidents
Android experiment to play with the camera API. At the moment includes presidents from Venezuela, USA, France, China and North Korea. Feel free to check the code and add the president of your country.
maps android flyover
Camera flyover example app using the Google Maps Android API v2.
ASCII-art camera for android.
Messing with Androids Camera and Sensors
Messing around with the orientation and acceleration sensors and the camera.
My Camera
Example of how to use Android camera.
OpenCV DirectionBlob
An usage of OpenCV Blob Color Detection to set a direction from an android camera.
An Android OCR application that uses the camera to look up the recognized English words. Use tess-two as OCR engine.
PTP Android Camera Control.
A simple IP camera application for Android.
Android app for viewing Pittsburgh traffic cameras.
Interval Camera for Android.
Portrait Camera
Android Portrait Camera Sample.
Android camera implementation based off the official Gingerbread camera app source code.
rearview camera
Rearview camera implemented as an Android app with OpenXC.
Remote Camera
Remotely control the camera of an Android device from the PC.
With your Android phone, Shot by camera and Post it to Tumblr.
Android augmented reality application which overlays mountain peak names over a camera view.
Simple Android OCR
A simple Android OCR application that makes use of the Camera app.
Simple Camera
A simple Android camera application.
Simple Camera App
A very simple android application that dumps the camera stream in a file.
spydroid ipcamera
A powerful and funny android app. that streams the camera and microphone of your phone to your browser or to VLC.
Android app that displays a stream of information related to the QR-Code sticker your camera sees. (Specifically created for Polytechnic University of Bucharest).
Super Wifi Cam
Live camera data streaming application for android.
SydneyTraffic Cameras
simple android app for retrieving camera feeds from RTA cameras in Sydney.
Android colorblind assistance camera filter.
Visual Glitch on Android camera.
warai otoko camera
Android application to detect face and draw warai-otoko.
WSCamera for Android
WebSocket Camera Server for Android. support Web Intents Addendum(UPnP adaptation).
YUV to RGB in Android NDK
This Android project is used to convert camera YUV byte data in to RGB data (can be used in augmented reality) in android NDK.