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package com.feedhenry.sdk.sync; /*from w ww . ja va 2s . c o m*/ import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import org.json.fh.JSONObject; import android.content.Context; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.Looper; import android.util.Log; import com.feedhenry.sdk.FH; import com.feedhenry.sdk.FHActCallback; import com.feedhenry.sdk.api.FHActRequest; import com.feedhenry.sdk.exceptions.FHNotReadyException; import com.feedhenry.sdk.utils.FHLog; /** * The sync client is part of the FeedHenry data sync framework. It provides a mechanism to manage bi-direction data synchronization. * For more details, please check <a href="">data sync framewrok docs</a>. */ public class FHSyncClient { private static FHSyncClient mInstance; protected static final String LOG_TAG = "com.feedhenry.sdk.sync.FHSyncClient"; private Context mContext; private Map<String, FHSyncDataset> mDataSets = new HashMap<String, FHSyncDataset>(); private FHSyncConfig mConfig = new FHSyncConfig(); private FHSyncListener mSyncListener = null; private FHSyncNotificationHandler mNotificationHandler; private boolean mInitialised = false; private MonitorTask mMonitorTask = null; private ExecutorService mExecutors = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3); /** * Get the singleton instance of the sync client. * @return the sync client instance */ public static FHSyncClient getInstance(){ if(null == mInstance){ mInstance = new FHSyncClient(); } return mInstance; } /** * Initialize the sync client. Should be called every time an app/activity starts. * @param pContext The app context * @param pConfig The sync configuration * @param pListener The sync listener */ public void init(Context pContext, FHSyncConfig pConfig, FHSyncListener pListener){ mContext = pContext; mConfig = pConfig; mSyncListener = pListener; initHanlders(); mInitialised = true; if(null == mMonitorTask){ mMonitorTask = new MonitorTask(); mMonitorTask.start(); } } /** * Initialize the notification handlers */ private void initHanlders(){ if(null != Looper.myLooper()){ mNotificationHandler = new FHSyncNotificationHandler(this.mSyncListener); } else { HandlerThread ht = new HandlerThread("FHSyncClientNotificationHanlder"); mNotificationHandler = new FHSyncNotificationHandler(ht.getLooper(), this.mSyncListener); ht.start(); } } /** * Re-set the sync listener * @param pListener the new sync listener */ public void setListener(FHSyncListener pListener){ mSyncListener = pListener; if(null != mNotificationHandler){ mNotificationHandler.setSyncListener(mSyncListener); } } /** * Use the sync client to manage a dataset. * @param pDataId The id of the dataset. * @param pConfig The sync configuration for the dataset. If not specified, the sync configuration passed in the init method will be used * @param pQueryParams Query parameters for the dataset * @throws Exception */ public void manage(String pDataId, FHSyncConfig pConfig, JSONObject pQueryParams) throws Exception { if(!mInitialised){ throw new Exception("FHSyncClient isn't initialised. Have you called the init function?"); } FHSyncDataset dataset = mDataSets.get(pDataId); FHSyncConfig syncConfig = mConfig; if(null != pConfig){ syncConfig = pConfig; } if(null != dataset){ dataset.setContext(mContext); dataset.setNotificationHandler(mNotificationHandler); } else { dataset = new FHSyncDataset(mContext, mNotificationHandler, pDataId, syncConfig, pQueryParams); mDataSets.put(pDataId, dataset); dataset.setSyncRunning(false); dataset.setInitialised(true); } dataset.setSyncConfig(syncConfig); dataset.setSyncPending(true); dataset.writeToFile(); } /** * List all the data in the dataset with pDataId. * @param pDataId The id of the dataset * @return all data records. Each record contains a key "uid" with the id value and a key "data" with the JSON data. */ public JSONObject list(String pDataId) { FHSyncDataset dataset = mDataSets.get(pDataId); JSONObject data = null; if(null != dataset){ data = dataset.listData(); } return data; } /** * Read a data record with pUID in dataset with pDataId * @param pDataId the id of the dataset * @param pUID the id of the data record * @return the data record. Each record contains a key "uid" with the id value and a key "data" with the JSON data. */ public JSONObject read(String pDataId, String pUID) { FHSyncDataset dataset = mDataSets.get(pDataId); JSONObject data = null; if(null != dataset){ data = dataset.readData(pUID); } return data; } /** * Create a new data record in dataset with pDataId * @param pDataId the id of the dataset * @param pData the actual data * @return the created data record. Each record contains a key "uid" with the id value and a key "data" with the JSON data. * @throws Exception */ public JSONObject create(String pDataId, JSONObject pData) throws Exception { FHSyncDataset dataset = mDataSets.get(pDataId); if(null != dataset){ return dataset.createData(pData); } else { throw new Exception("Unkonw dataId : " + pDataId); } } /** * Update an existing data record in dataset with pDataId * @param pDataId the id of the dataset * @param pUID the id of the data record * @param pData the new content of the data record * @return the updated data record. Each record contains a key "uid" with the id value and a key "data" with the JSON data. * @throws Exception */ public JSONObject update(String pDataId, String pUID, JSONObject pData) throws Exception { FHSyncDataset dataset = mDataSets.get(pDataId); if(null != dataset){ return dataset.updateData(pUID, pData); } else { throw new Exception("Unkonw dataId : " + pDataId); } } /** * Delete a data record in the dataset with pDataId * @param pDataId the id of the dataset * @param pUID the id of the data record * @return the deleted data record. Each record contains a key "uid" with the id value and a key "data" with the JSON data. * @throws Exception */ public JSONObject delete(String pDataId, String pUID) throws Exception { FHSyncDataset dataset = mDataSets.get(pDataId); if(null != dataset){ return dataset.deleteData(pUID); } else { throw new Exception("Unkonw dataId : " + pDataId); } } /** * List sync collisions in dataset with id pDataId * @param pDataId the id of the dataset * @param pCallback the callback function * @throws Exception */ public void listCollisions(String pDataId, FHActCallback pCallback) throws Exception { JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("fn", "listCollisions"); FHActRequest request = FH.buildActRequest(pDataId, params); request.executeAsync(pCallback); } /** * Remove a sync collision record in the dataset with id pDataId * @param pDataId the id of the dataset * @param pCollisionHash the hash value of the collision record * @param pCallback the callback function * @throws Exception */ public void removeCollision(String pDataId, String pCollisionHash, FHActCallback pCallback) throws Exception { JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("fn", "removeCollision"); params.put("hash", pCollisionHash); FHActRequest request = FH.buildActRequest(pDataId, params); request.executeAsync(pCallback); } /** * Stop the sync process for dataset with id pDataId * @param pDataId the id of the dataset * @throws Exception */ public void stop(String pDataId) throws Exception { FHSyncDataset dataset = mDataSets.get(pDataId); if(null != dataset){ dataset.stopSync(true); } } /** * Stop all sync processes for all the datasets managed by the sync client. * @throws Exception */ public void destroy() throws Exception { if(mInitialised){ if(null != mMonitorTask){ mMonitorTask.stopRunning(); mMonitorTask.stop(); } for(String key: mDataSets.keySet()){ stop(key); } mSyncListener = null; mNotificationHandler = null; mDataSets = null; mInitialised = false; } } private class MonitorTask extends Thread{ private boolean mKeepRunning = true; public void stopRunning(){ mKeepRunning = false; } private void checkDatasets(){ if(null != mDataSets){ for(Map.Entry<String, FHSyncDataset> entry: mDataSets.entrySet()){ final FHSyncDataset dataset = entry.getValue(); boolean syncRunning = dataset.isSyncRunning(); if(!syncRunning && !dataset.isStopSync()){ //sync isn't running for dataId at the moment, check if needs to start it Date lastSyncStart = dataset.getSyncStart(); Date lastSyncEnd = dataset.getSyncEnd(); if(null == lastSyncStart){ dataset.setSyncPending(true); } else if(null != lastSyncEnd){ long interval = new Date().getTime() - lastSyncEnd.getTime(); if(interval > dataset.getSyncConfig().getSyncFrequency()*1000){ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Should start sync!!"); dataset.setSyncPending(true); } } if(dataset.isSyncPending()){ mExecutors.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { dataset.startSyncLoop(); } }); } } } } } @Override public void run() { while(mKeepRunning && !isInterrupted()){ checkDatasets(); try{ Thread.sleep(1000); }catch(Exception e){ FHLog.e(LOG_TAG, "MonitorTask thread is interrupted", e); this.interrupt(); } } } } }