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package com.feedhenry.sdk; /*w w w .ja va 2 s . c o m*/ import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.json.fh.JSONArray; import org.json.fh.JSONObject; import com.feedhenry.sdk.utils.FHLog; import; import; import; import; public class FHHttpClient { private static AsyncHttpClient mClient = new AsyncHttpClient(); private static SyncHttpClient mSyncClient = new SyncHttpClient(); private static final String LOG_TAG = "com.feedhenry.sdk.FHHttpClient"; public static void put(String pUrl, Header[] pHeaders, JSONObject pParams, FHActCallback pCallback, boolean pUseSync) throws Exception { if (FH.isOnline()) { StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(new JSONObject().toString()); if (null != pParams) { entity = new StringEntity(pParams.toString(), "UTF-8"); } if(pUseSync){ mSyncClient.setUserAgent(FH.getUserAgent()); mSyncClient.put(null, pUrl, pHeaders, entity, "application/json", new FHJsonHttpResponseHandler(pCallback)); } else { mClient.setUserAgent(FH.getUserAgent()); mClient.put(null, pUrl, pHeaders, entity, "application/json", new FHJsonHttpResponseHandler(pCallback)); } } else { FHResponse res = new FHResponse(null, null, new Exception("offline"), "offline");; } } public static void get(String pUrl, Header[] pHeaders, JSONObject pParams, FHActCallback pCallback, boolean pUseSync) throws Exception { if (FH.isOnline()) { if(pUseSync){ mSyncClient.setUserAgent(FH.getUserAgent()); mSyncClient.get(null, pUrl, pHeaders, convertToRequestParams(pParams), new FHJsonHttpResponseHandler(pCallback)); } else { mClient.setUserAgent(FH.getUserAgent()); mClient.get(null, pUrl, pHeaders, convertToRequestParams(pParams), new FHJsonHttpResponseHandler(pCallback)); } } else { FHResponse res = new FHResponse(null, null, new Exception("offline"), "offline");; } } public static void post(String pUrl, Header[] pHeaders, JSONObject pParams, FHActCallback pCallback, boolean pUseSync) throws Exception { if (FH.isOnline()) { StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(new JSONObject().toString()); if (null != pParams) { entity = new StringEntity(pParams.toString(), "UTF-8"); } if(pUseSync){ mSyncClient.setUserAgent(FH.getUserAgent());, pUrl, pHeaders, entity, "application/json", new FHJsonHttpResponseHandler(pCallback)); } else { mClient.setUserAgent(FH.getUserAgent());, pUrl, pHeaders, entity, "application/json", new FHJsonHttpResponseHandler(pCallback)); } } else { FHResponse res = new FHResponse(null, null, new Exception("offline"), "offline");; } } public static void delete(String pUrl, Header[] pHeaders, JSONObject pParams, FHActCallback pCallback, boolean pUseSync) throws Exception { if (FH.isOnline()) { if(pUseSync){ mSyncClient.setUserAgent(FH.getUserAgent()); mSyncClient.delete(null, pUrl, pHeaders, convertToRequestParams(pParams), new FHJsonHttpResponseHandler(pCallback)); } else { mClient.setUserAgent(FH.getUserAgent()); mClient.delete(null, pUrl, pHeaders, convertToRequestParams(pParams), new FHJsonHttpResponseHandler(pCallback)); } } else { FHResponse res = new FHResponse(null, null, new Exception("offline"), "offline");; } } private static RequestParams convertToRequestParams(JSONObject pIn) { RequestParams rp = null; if(null != pIn){ rp = new RequestParams(); Iterator<String> it = pIn.keys(); while(it.hasNext()){ String key = (String); rp.put(key, pIn.get(key)); } } return rp; } static class FHJsonHttpResponseHandler extends JsonHttpResponseHandler { private FHActCallback callback = null; public FHJsonHttpResponseHandler(FHActCallback pCallback) { super(); callback = pCallback; } @Override public void onSuccess(int pStatusCode, Header[] pHeaders, org.json.JSONObject pRes) { FHLog.v(LOG_TAG, "Got response : " + pRes.toString()); if (null != callback) { FHResponse fhres = new FHResponse(new JSONObject(pRes.toString()), null, null, null); callback.success(fhres); } } @Override public void onSuccess(int pStatusCode, Header[] pHeaders, org.json.JSONArray pRes) { FHLog.v(LOG_TAG, "Got response : " + pRes.toString()); if (null != callback) { FHResponse fhres = new FHResponse(null, new JSONArray(pRes.toString()), null, null); callback.success(fhres); } } @Override public void onFailure(int pStatusCode, Header[] pHeaders, String pContent, Throwable pError) { FHLog.e(LOG_TAG, pError.getMessage(), pError); if (null != callback) { FHResponse fhres = new FHResponse(null, null, pError, pContent);; } } } }