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package com.feedhenry.sdk.api; /* www . j ava 2 s . co m*/ import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.json.fh.JSONException; import org.json.fh.JSONObject; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.os.Bundle; import com.feedhenry.sdk.FH; import com.feedhenry.sdk.FHActCallback; import com.feedhenry.sdk.FHRemote; import com.feedhenry.sdk.FHResponse; import com.feedhenry.sdk.oauth.FHOAuthIntent; import com.feedhenry.sdk.oauth.FHOAuthWebView; import com.feedhenry.sdk.utils.FHLog; /** * The request for calling the authentication function. * Example: * <pre> * {@code * FHAuthRequest authRequest = FH.buildAuthRequest(); * // This is an oAuth auth policy. Setting a presenting activity will allow the library to automatically handle the interaction between the user and the oAuth provider. * // You also need to add the following code to your application's AndroidManifest.xml file (inside the <application> element): * // <activity android:name="com.feedhenry.sdk.oauth.FHOAuthIntent" />; * authRequest.setPresentingActivity(this); * authRequest.setAuthPolicyId("MyGooglePolicy"); * authRequest.executeAsync(new FHActCallback() { * public void success(FHResponse resp) { * Log.d("FHAuthActivity", "user sessionToken = "+ resp.getJson().getString("sessionToken")); * } * * public void fail(FHResponse resp) { * Log.d("FHAuthActivity", resp.getErrorMessage()); * } * }); * } * </pre> */ public class FHAuthRequest extends FHRemote { private static final String AUTH_PATH = "admin/authpolicy/auth"; private String mPolicyId; private String mUserName; private String mPassword; private Context mPresentingActivity; private OAuthURLRedirectReceiver mReceiver; protected static String LOG_TAG = "com.feedhenry.sdk.FHAuthRequest"; /** * Constructor * @param pProps the app configurations */ public FHAuthRequest(Context context, Properties pProps){ super(context, pProps); } /** * Set the policy id for this auth request * @param pPolicyId the auth policy id. It is required for all the auth requests */ public void setAuthPolicyId(String pPolicyId){ mPolicyId = pPolicyId; } /** * Set the user name for the auth request. Only required if the auth policy type is FeedHenry or LDAP. * @param pPolicyId the auth policy id * @param pUserName the user name * @param pPassword the password */ public void setAuthUser(String pPolicyId, String pUserName, String pPassword){ mPolicyId = pPolicyId; mUserName = pUserName; mPassword = pPassword; } @Override protected String getPath() { return AUTH_PATH; } @Override protected JSONObject getRequestArgs() { JSONObject reqData = new JSONObject(); try{ reqData.put("__fh", FH.getDefaultParams()); //keep backward compatible reqData.put("policyId", mPolicyId); reqData.put("device", mUDID); reqData.put("clientToken", mProperties.getProperty(FH.APP_ID_KEY)); JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); if(null != mUserName && null != mPassword){ params.put("userId", mUserName); params.put("password", mPassword); } reqData.put("params", params); FHLog.v(LOG_TAG, "auth params = " + reqData.toString()); }catch(Exception e){ FHLog.e(LOG_TAG, e.getMessage(), e); } return reqData; } /** * If the auth policy type is OAuth, user need to enter their username and password for the OAuth provider. * If an Activity instance is provided, the SDK will automatically handle this (By presenting the OAuth login page in a WebView and back to the application once the authentication process is finished). * If it's not provided, the application need to handle the OAuth process itself. * @param pActivity the parent Activity instance to invoke the WebView */ public void setPresentingActivity(Context pActivity){ mPresentingActivity = pActivity; } @Override public void executeAsync(FHActCallback pCallback) throws Exception { if(null == mPresentingActivity){ //the app didn't provide an activity to presenting the webview, let the app handle the oauth process super.executeAsync(pCallback); } else { final FHActCallback callback = pCallback; FHActCallback tmpCallback = new FHActCallback() { @Override public void success(FHResponse pResponse) { final JSONObject jsonRes = pResponse.getJson(); try{ String status = jsonRes.getString("status"); if("ok".equalsIgnoreCase(status)){ if(jsonRes.has("url")){ startAuthIntent(jsonRes, callback); } else { callback.success(pResponse); } } else {; } } catch (Exception e){ } } @Override public void fail(FHResponse pResponse) {; } }; super.executeAsync(tmpCallback); } } @Override public void execute(FHActCallback pCallback) throws Exception { if(null == mPresentingActivity){ super.execute(pCallback); } else { final FHActCallback callback = pCallback; FHActCallback tmpCallback = new FHActCallback() { @Override public void success(FHResponse pResponse) { final JSONObject jsonRes = pResponse.getJson(); try{ String status = jsonRes.getString("status"); if("ok".equalsIgnoreCase(status)){ if(jsonRes.has("url")){ startAuthIntent(jsonRes, callback); } else { callback.success(pResponse); } } else {; } } catch (Exception e){ } } @Override public void fail(FHResponse pResponse) {; } }; super.execute(tmpCallback); } } private void startAuthIntent(final JSONObject pJsonRes, final FHActCallback pCallback) throws Exception { String url = pJsonRes.getString("url"); FHLog.v(LOG_TAG, "Got oAuth url back, url = " + url + ". Open it in new intent."); Bundle data = new Bundle(); data.putString("url", url); data.putString("title", "Login"); Intent i = new Intent(mPresentingActivity, FHOAuthIntent.class); mReceiver = new OAuthURLRedirectReceiver(pCallback); IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(FHOAuthWebView.BROADCAST_ACTION_FILTER); mPresentingActivity.registerReceiver(mReceiver, filter); i.putExtra("settings", data); mPresentingActivity.startActivity(i); } private class OAuthURLRedirectReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { private FHActCallback mCallback = null; public OAuthURLRedirectReceiver(FHActCallback pCallback){ mCallback = pCallback; } @Override public void onReceive(Context pContext, Intent pIntent) { FHLog.d(LOG_TAG, "received event, data : " + pIntent.getStringExtra("url")); String data = pIntent.getStringExtra("url"); FHResponse res = null; if("NOT_FINISHED".equalsIgnoreCase(data)){ res = new FHResponse(null, null, new Exception("Cancelled"), "Cancelled");; } else { if(data.indexOf("status=complete") > -1){ String query = data.split("\\?")[1]; String[] parts = query.split("&"); Map<String, String> queryMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for(int i=0;i<parts.length;i++){ String[] kv = parts[i].split("="); queryMap.put(kv[0], kv[1]); } String result = queryMap.get("result"); if("success".equals(result)){ JSONObject resJson = new JSONObject(); try { resJson.put("sessionToken", queryMap.get("fh_auth_session")); resJson.put("authResponse", new JSONObject(URLDecoder.decode(queryMap.get("authResponse")))); res = new FHResponse(resJson, null, null, null); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } mPresentingActivity.unregisterReceiver(this); mCallback.success(res); } else { res = new FHResponse(null, null, new Exception("Authentication failed"), "Authentication Failed");; } } else { res = new FHResponse(null, null, new Exception("Unknown error"), "Unknown error");; } } } } @Override protected Header[] buildHeaders(Header[] pHeaders) throws Exception { return null; } }