Use Tree View to display directory : TreeView « GUI « VB.Net

Use Tree View to display directory

Use Tree View to display directory
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.IO

Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        Application.Run(New Form1)
    End Sub

End Module

Public Class Form1
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "

    Public Sub New()

        'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.

        'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call

    End Sub

    'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.
    Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
        If disposing Then
            If Not (components Is Nothing) Then
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    'Required by the Windows Form Designer
    Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer

    'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer
    'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.  
    'Do not modify it using the code editor.
    Friend WithEvents TreeView1 As System.Windows.Forms.TreeView
    Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button
    <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()
        Me.TreeView1 = New System.Windows.Forms.TreeView()
        Me.Button1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
        Me.TreeView1.ImageIndex = -1
        Me.TreeView1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 16)
        Me.TreeView1.Name = "TreeView1"
        Me.TreeView1.SelectedImageIndex = -1
        Me.TreeView1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(256, 184)
        Me.TreeView1.TabIndex = 0
        Me.Button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(96, 224)
        Me.Button1.Name = "Button1"
        Me.Button1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(96, 23)
        Me.Button1.TabIndex = 1
        Me.Button1.Text = "View Directories"
        Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13)
        Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(292, 273)
        Me.Controls.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.Control() {Me.Button1, Me.TreeView1})
        Me.Name = "Form1"
        Me.Text = "TreeViewDemo"

    End Sub

#End Region
    Sub ProcessTree(ByVal Dir As String)

        TreeView1.Nodes.Add(New TreeNode(Dir))

        Dim DirObj As New DirectoryInfo(Dir)

        Dim Dirs As DirectoryInfo() = DirObj.GetDirectories("*.*")

        Dim DirectoryName As DirectoryInfo

        For Each DirectoryName In Dirs
            Catch E As Exception
                MessageBox.Show("Error accessing " & DirectoryName.FullName)
            End Try

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    End Sub
End Class


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7.Directory Tree
8.Relational TreeView