fork is a method provided by the Kernel module that creates a fork of the current process. : fork « Threads « Ruby

fork is a method provided by the Kernel module that creates a fork of the current process.

# fork returns the child process's process ID in the parent, but nil in the child process
# You can use this to determine which process a script is in. 

# forks the current process into two processes, and only executes the exec command within the child process (the process generated by the fork):
if fork.nil?
  exec "ruby some_other_file.rb"

puts "This Ruby script now runs alongside some_other_file.rb"


Related examples in the same category

1.fork a number of listening processes to increase the maximum number of connections
2.Fork a child process
3.Is it a parent process or a child process
4.fork with block
5.Environment in Child thread