Get acronym : String class Extension « String « Ruby

Get acronym

class String
  def acronym(thresh=0)
    while !str.nil? && !str.empty?
      word = str.shift_word
      if word.length >= thresh
        acro += word.strip[0,1].to_s.upcase
  @@first_word_re = /^(\w+\W*)/

  def shift_word
    return nil if self.empty?
    newself= $' || ""       # $' is POSTMATCH
    self.replace(newself) unless $'.nil?

s1 = "this is a test"
puts s1.acronym     


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15.Rotate right
16.Shifts first word off of self and returns; changes self
17.Adds provided string to front of self
18.Pops and returns last word off self; changes self
19.Pushes provided string onto end of self