Encoding constant : encoding « String « Ruby

Encoding constant

Encoding::ASCII_8BIT     # Also ::BINARY
Encoding::UTF_8          # UTF-8-encoded Unicode characters
Encoding::EUC_JP         # EUC-encoded Japanese
Encoding::SHIFT_JIS      # Japanese: also ::SJIS, ::WINDOWS_31J, ::CP932


Related examples in the same category

1.Check the string encoding
2.Encoding and bytesize
3.Interpret a byte as an iso-8859-15 codepoint, and transcode to UTF-8
4.The iso-8859-1 encoding doesn't have a Euro sign, so this raises an exception
5.Get utf-8 encoding
6.Specify Unicode UTF-8, or start Ruby with -Ku option
7.Get the position of the first multibyte char
8.Get byte from a unicode string
9.Get each char in a unicode