Ruby has a number of classes and modules related to numbers. : Number class « Number « Ruby

Ruby has a number of classes and modules related to numbers.

Numeric    The base class for numbers

Integer    The basic integer class, and the basis for the Fixnum class

Float      The class for real or floating-point numbers, based on the computer's native capacity to represent double-precision

Fixnum     The main integer class, based on what the computer can hold in a native machine word, such as 32 bits or 64 bits, minus 1

Bignum     The class of integers outside the range of the basic, native machine word

Math       A module that holds math functions (as methods)

Precision  A module for approximating the precision of real numbers

Rational   A class that represents fractional numbers

Complex    A class that represents complex numbers, which extend real numbers with imaginary numbers (x + iy)

Matrix     A class for creating mathematical matrixes


Related examples in the same category

1.Numbers are classes
2.Number Introduction
3.Math class and module hierarchy
4.floor Returns the largest integer less than or equal.
5.infinite? Returns nil,1,or +1 depending on whether flt is finite.
6.modulo(numeric): Synonym for Float#%.