Convert string to number with non number string : Convert to Integer « Number « Ruby

Convert string to number with non number string

puts "13: a baker's dozen".to_i                          # => 13
puts '1001 Nights'.to_i                                  # => 1001
puts 'Night'.to_i                                        
puts 'Equipment'.to_f
puts '$60.50'.to_f                                       # => 0.0
puts 'AAAA!'.hex                                         
puts '0xA2Z'.hex                                         # => 162
puts '-10'.oct                                           # => -8
puts '-109'.oct                                          # => -8
puts '3.14'.to_i                                         # => 3


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2.convert a string
3.convert a binary number from a string
4.convert an octal number
5.convert a hexadecimal number
6.convert a character code
7.Converting Between Classes
8.ArgumentError: invalid value for Integer: "1001 nights"
9.Converting Between Characters and Values
10.Parsing A Number From A String
11.to_i gives the integer version of an object, and to_f gives the float version
12.Convert string to integer by parameter
13.Number parser by regular expressons