Code Blocks and each method : Code Block « Method « Ruby

Code Blocks and each method

x = [1, 2, 3]
x.each { |y| puts y }

# The each method accepts a single code block as a parameter. 

# The code block is defined within the { and } symbols, or within do and end delimiters:

x = [1, 2, 3]
x.each do |y|
  puts y


Related examples in the same category

1.A block is a section of code that can be passed to a method much like passing an argument.
2.use code blocks with Ruby iterators like each, upto, downto, and times
3.block is invoked in conjunction with a method.
4.Place a space between the pipes ( | ) and the variable names
5.A code block is an anonymous, nameless method or function.
6.define hello so that it contains only a yield statement,
7.print all the elements in an array using the each method followed by a block
8.convert a block into an object.
9.1.upto(5) { ...code to loop here... }
10.10.downto(5) { ...code to loop here... }
11.0.step(50, 5) { ...code to loop here... }
12.1.upto(5) { |number| puts number }
13.Nested block logics
14.Running a Code Block Periodically
15.block pointer