RDoc Basics
The comments before the class definition begins are interpreted as general documentation for the class and are placed before any other documentation.
Paragraphs in the comments become paragraphs in the documentation.
Numbered lists (1., 2., 3., etc.) become numbered lists.
Labels followed by double colons (::) line up the text that follows in tabular form.
The :title: directive lets RDoc know what you want the title of the XHTML document(s) to be (what goes inside <head><title></title></head>).
# This class provides a few methods for calculating financial ratios.
# So far, three methods are available:
# 1. first method (_fir_)
# 2. second method (_sec_)
# 3. third method (_tdr_)
# Author:: Java2s (mailto:in at java2s.com)
# :title:Ratios
class Ratios
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