Merge two hashes with block logics : merge « Hash « Ruby

Merge two hashes with block logics

delaware = { 1 => "Two", 2 => "New Value", 3 => "New Three" }

myHash = { 1 => "One", 2 => "Two", 3 => "Three", 4 => "Four", 5 => "Five" }

myHash.merge( delaware ){|key,old,new| new = old + "_new" } # => {5=>"Five", 1=>"One_new", 2=>"Two_new", 3=>"Three_new", 4=>"Four"}


Related examples in the same category

1.Merge two hashes
2.merge method merges two hashes together, producing a copy of the hashes that removes duplicate keys by overwriting the key-value pairs from the merged array.
3.using merge with a block