Finds all files modified more recently than a certain number of seconds ago. : Find « File Directory « Ruby

Finds all files modified more recently than a certain number of seconds ago.

require 'find'
module Find
  def match(*paths)
    matched = []
    find(*paths) { |path| matched << path if yield path }
    return matched
  module_function :match

def modified_recently(seconds, *paths)
  time = - seconds
  Find.match(*paths) { |p| File.lstat(p).mtime > time }


Related examples in the same category

1.Find a path
2.Find.find by block
3.prune under file basename
4.Finding the Files
5.Find the MP3s.
6.Find the README files.
7.File a file starting with certain string
8.Finds files that were probably left behind by emacs sessions.
9.Finds all files that are larger than a certain threshold.
10.Finds all files that haven't been accessed since they were last modified.