Ruby can do several set operations on arrays : As Set « Array « Ruby

Ruby can do several set operations on arrays

# Intersection      &
# Difference        -
# Union             |

# Intersection (&) creates a new array, merging the common elements of two arrays but removing uncommon elements and duplicates.

tue = [ "shop", "eat", "sleep" ]
wed = [ "shop", "eat", "read", "sleep" ]
tue & wed # => ["shop", "eat", "sleep"]


Related examples in the same category

1.Difference (-) creates a new array, removing elements that appear in both arrays
2.Union (|) joins two arrays together, removing duplicates:
3.Computing Set Operations on Arrays: Union
4.Computing Set Operations on Arrays: Intersection
5.Computing Set Operations on Arrays: Difference
6.Set operation based on array
7.TypeError: cannot convert Set into Array
8.Set operation on array constant
9.Minus from one array
10.Exclude a list of natrual number