Dialog « GUI Tk « Python

1.OK Cancel dialogOK Cancel dialog
2.Customized dialogCustomized dialog
3.A message boxA message box
4.showwarning Dialog boxshowwarning Dialog box
5.Use message to alert an ExceptionUse message to alert an Exception
6.OK cancel dialog boxOK cancel dialog box
7.Creating a simple dialogCreating a simple dialog
8.Add components to a dialogAdd components to a dialog
9.Get input value from a dialogGet input value from a dialog

10.A dialog support classA dialog support class
11.A simple dialog: with two labels and two text fieldsA simple dialog: with two labels and two text fields
12.Add a check box to a DialogAdd a check box to a Dialog
13.Pop up dialog: build a dialogPop up dialog: build a dialog
14.Dialog RecursiveDialog Recursive