The layer while rolling over the link. : Layer « HTML « JavaScript DHTML

The layer while rolling over the link.

JavaScript Unleashed, Third Edition
by Richard Wagner and R. Allen Wyke 

ISBN: 067231763X
Publisher Sams CopyRight 2000

  <title>JavaScript Unleashed</title>
  <style type="text/css">
      background-color: red;
      height: 100;
      left: 10;
      position: absolute;
      top: 50;
      width: 100;
      visibility: hidden;

  <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">
    // Create global variables for browser type
    var isIE = new Boolean(false);
    var isNav = new Boolean(false);
    var unSupported = new Boolean(false);
    var layer = new String();
    var style = new String();
    // Determine if the browser is Internet Explorer, Navigator,
    // or other. Also, set the layer variable depending on the
    // type of access it needs.
    function checkBrowser(){
      if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1){
        isIE = true;
        layer = ".all";
        style = ".style";
      }else if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Nav") != -1){
        isNav = true;
        layer = ".layers";
        style = "";
        unSupported = true;
    // Take the state passed in, and change it.
    function changeState(layerRef, state){
      eval("document" + layer + "['" + layerRef + "']"  + style + ".visibility = '" + state + "'");
<body onload="checkBrowser()">
  <div name="layer1" id="layer1">
    Hello World!
  <a href="javascript:void(0)"

    Rollover to show and hide the layer.


Related examples in the same category

1.Layer 'srcFilter' Example
2.Monitors divisions (or layers) on dynamic Web pages (DHTML)
3.Hide and show layer
4. Layer Background Colors (W3C)
5.Setting Layer Backgrounds (W3C)
6.Accessing Layers with JavaScript
7.'layer' and 'ilayer' Tag Properties
8.Detecting Navigator and Internet Explorer
9. Adjusting Layer clip Properties (W3C)
10.Comparison of Layer and Clip Location Properties (W3C)
11. Testing Nested Layer Coordinate Systems (W3C)
12.Nested Layer Visibility Relationships (W3C)
13.Relationships Among zIndex Values (W3C)
14.Dragging a Layer (W3C)
15.Resizing a Layer (W3C)
16.Methods and Properties of the Layer Object
17.Layer seek