Methods and Properties of the Layer Object : Layer « HTML « JavaScript DHTML

Methods and Properties of the Layer Object

JavaScript Unleashed, Third Edition
by Richard Wagner and R. Allen Wyke 

ISBN: 067231763X
Publisher Sams CopyRight 2000

  Type       Item             Description
           captureEvents()   Specifies the event types to capture.
           handleEvent()     Invokes handler for specified event.
           load()            Loads a new URL.
           moveAbove()       Moves the layer above another layer.
           moveBelow()       Moves the layer below another layer.
           moveBy()          Moves the layer to a specified position.
           moveTo()          Moves the top-left corner of the window to the 
                             specified screen coordinates.
          moveToAbsolute()   Changes the layer position to the specified pixel 
                             coordinates within the page.
           releaseEvents()   Sets the layer to release captured events of the 
                             specified type.
           resizeBy()        Resizes the layer by the specified height and 
                             width values.
           resizeTo()        Resizes the layer to have the specified height and 
                             width values.
           routeEvent()      Passes a captured event along the normal event hierarchy.
           above             Specifies the layer above.
           background        Refers to the background image of the layer.
           below             Specifies the layer below.
           bgColor           Refers to the background color of the layer.
           clip.bottom       Refers to the bottom of the layer's clipping area.
           clip.height       Refers to the height of the layer's clipping area.
           clip.left         Refers to the left of the layer's clipping area.
           clip.right        Refers to the right of the layer's clipping area.
           Refers to the top of the layer's clipping area.
           clip.width        Refers to the width of the layer's clipping area.
           document          Refers to the Document object that contains the layer.
           left              Refers to the x-coordinate of the layer.
           name              Refers to the name of the layer.
           pageX             Refers to the x-coordinate relative to the document.
           pageY             Refers to the y-coordinate relative to the document.
           parentLayer       Refers to the containing layer.
           siblingAbove      Refers to the layer above in the zIndex.
           siblingBelow      Refers to the layer below in the zIndex.
           src               Refers to the source URL for the layer.
           top               Refers to the y-coordinate of the layer.
           visibility        Refers to the visibility state of the layer.
           window            Refers to the Window or Frame object that contains 
                             the layer.
           x                 Refers to the x-coordinate of the layer.
           y                 Refers to the y-coordinate of the layer.
           z                 Refers to the relative z-order of this layer with 
                             respect to its siblings.

Related examples in the same category

1.Layer 'srcFilter' Example
2.Monitors divisions (or layers) on dynamic Web pages (DHTML)
3.Hide and show layer
4. Layer Background Colors (W3C)
5.Setting Layer Backgrounds (W3C)
6.The layer while rolling over the link.
7.Accessing Layers with JavaScript
8.'layer' and 'ilayer' Tag Properties
9.Detecting Navigator and Internet Explorer
10. Adjusting Layer clip Properties (W3C)
11.Comparison of Layer and Clip Location Properties (W3C)
12. Testing Nested Layer Coordinate Systems (W3C)
13.Nested Layer Visibility Relationships (W3C)
14.Relationships Among zIndex Values (W3C)
15.Dragging a Layer (W3C)
16.Resizing a Layer (W3C)
17.Layer seek