Adjusting Layer clip Properties (W3C) : Layer « HTML « JavaScript DHTML

Adjusting Layer clip Properties (W3C)

JavaScript Bible, Fourth Edition
by Danny Goodman 

John Wiley & Sons CopyRight 2001

<TITLE>Layer Clip</TITLE>
var origLayerWidth = 0
var origLayerHeight = 0
var currTop, currRight, currBottom, currLeft
function init() {
    origLayerWidth = parseInt(document.getElementById("display").style.width)
    origLayerHeight = parseInt(document.getElementById("display").style.height)
    currTop = 0
    currRight = origLayerWidth
    currBottom = origLayerHeight
    currLeft = 0
function setClip(field) {
    var val = parseInt(field.value)
    switch ( {
        case "top" :
            currTop = val

        case "right" :
            currRight = val
        case "bottom" :
            currBottom = val
        case "left" :
            currLeft = val
        case "width" :
            currRight = currLeft + val
        case "height" :
            currBottom = currTop + val
function adjustClip() {
    document.getElementById("display").style.clip = "rect(" + currTop + "px " +
    currRight + "px " + currBottom + "px " + currLeft + "px)"
function showValues() {
    var form = document.forms[0] = currTop
    form.right.value = currRight
    form.bottom.value = currBottom
    form.left.value = currLeft
    form.width.value = currRight - currLeft
    form.height.value = currBottom - currTop
var intervalID
function revealClip() {
    var midWidth = Math.round(origLayerWidth /2)
    var midHeight = Math.round(origLayerHeight /2)
    currTop = midHeight
    currBottom = midHeight
    currRight = midWidth
    currLeft = midWidth
    intervalID = setInterval("stepClip()",1)
function stepClip() {
    var widthDone = false
    var heightDone = false
    if (currLeft > 0) {
        currLeft += -2
        currRight += 2
    } else {
        widthDone = true
    if (currTop > 0) {
        currTop += -1
        currBottom += 1
    } else {
        heightDone = true
    if (widthDone && heightDone) {
<BODY onLoad="init()">
<H1>Layer Clipping Properties (W3C)</H1>
Enter new clipping values to adjust the visible area of the layer.<P>
<DIV STYLE="position:absolute; top:130">
    <TD ALIGN="right"> (left):</TD>
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="left" SIZE=3 onChange="setClip(this)"></TD>
    <TD ALIGN="right"> (top):</TD>
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="top" SIZE=3 onChange="setClip(this)"></TD>
    <TD ALIGN="right"> (right):</TD>
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="right" SIZE=3 onChange="setClip(this)"></TD>
    <TD ALIGN="right"> (bottom):</TD>
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="bottom" SIZE=3 onChange="setClip(this)"></TD>
    <TD ALIGN="right"> (width):</TD>
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="width" SIZE=3 onChange="setClip(this)"></TD>
    <TD ALIGN="right"> (height):</TD>
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="height" SIZE=3 onChange="setClip(this)"></TD>
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Reveal Original Layer" onClick="revealClip()">

<DIV ID="display" STYLE="position:absolute; top:130; left:220; width:360;
 height:180; clip:rect(0px 360px 180px 0px); background-color:coral">
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or
 abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the
 government for a redress of grievances.


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2.Monitors divisions (or layers) on dynamic Web pages (DHTML)
3.Hide and show layer
4. Layer Background Colors (W3C)
5.Setting Layer Backgrounds (W3C)
6.The layer while rolling over the link.
7.Accessing Layers with JavaScript
8.'layer' and 'ilayer' Tag Properties
9.Detecting Navigator and Internet Explorer
10.Comparison of Layer and Clip Location Properties (W3C)
11. Testing Nested Layer Coordinate Systems (W3C)
12.Nested Layer Visibility Relationships (W3C)
13.Relationships Among zIndex Values (W3C)
14.Dragging a Layer (W3C)
15.Resizing a Layer (W3C)
16.Methods and Properties of the Layer Object
17.Layer seek