Collection of file path related stuff : Path « File Input Output « Java

Collection of file path related stuff


import java.util.ArrayList;

 * Collection of file path related stuff
 * @author eliott bartley
public class PathTools

    private static class PathList extends ArrayList<String> { }

    private PathTools() { }

     * Turn a relative path or filename into an absolute one
     * @param relativePath The relative path to convert to an absolute one
     * @return The absolute path of the <var>relativePath</var>
    public static String getAbsolutePath(String relativePath)
    {   return getAbsolutePath(relativePath, null, true);

     * Turn a relative path or filename into an absolute one, relative to a
     *  directory other than the current directory
     * @param relativePath The relative path to convert to an absolute one
     * @param workingPath The home path from which the relative path is from. If
     *  this is null, the current working path is used
     * @return The absolute path of the <var>relativePath</var>
    public static String getAbsolutePath(String relativePath, String workingPath)
    {   return getAbsolutePath(relativePath, workingPath, true);

     * Turn a relative path or filename into an absolute one
     * @param relativePath The relative path to convert to an absolute one
     * @param addSlash Specify true if returned path must end with a '/', false
     *  if it's not important
     * @return The absolute path of the <var>relativePath</var>
    public static String getAbsolutePath(String relativePath, boolean addSlash)
    {   return getAbsolutePath(relativePath, null, addSlash);

     * Turn a relative path or filename into an absolute one, relative to a
     *  directory other than the current directory
     * @param relativePath The relative path to convert to an absolute one
     * @param addSlash Specify true if returned path must end with a '/', false
     *  if it's not important
     * @return The absolute path of the <var>relativePath</var>
    public static String getAbsolutePath
    (   String relativePath,
        String workingPath,
        boolean addSlash
    ){  File file;
        String path;
        if(relativePath == null)
            return null;

        file = new File(relativePath);
        if(file.isAbsolute() == false)
        {   file = new File(workingPath, relativePath);
            try { path = file.getCanonicalPath(); }
            catch(IOException e) { path = file.getAbsolutePath(); }
            path = relativePath;

        // Make sure the path end with a '/' if one is required
        //  (addSlash == true)
        if(addSlash == true && file.isDirectory() == true)
            path = getSafePath(path);
        return path.replace("\\", "/");

     * Break a path down into individual elements and add to a list.
     *  example : if a path is /a/b/c/d.txt, the breakdown will be [d.txt,c,b,a]
     * @param relativeFile input file
     * @return a List collection with the individual elements of the path in
     *  reverse order
  private static PathList getPathList
    (   String relativePath,
        String workingPath
    ){  PathList pathList = new PathList();
        File relativeFile = new File(relativePath);
        File pathParser;

            if(workingPath == null || relativeFile.isAbsolute() == true)
                pathParser = relativeFile.getCanonicalFile();
                pathParser = new File
                (   workingPath,

            (   ;
                pathParser != null;
                pathParser = pathParser.getParentFile()
            )   if(pathParser.getName().length() != 0)

        catch(IOException e)
        {   // This is for debugging only - the user is notified of the error
            //  when the calling code gets a pathList of null back and tries
            //  to use it as a valid path, and fails, and then tells the user
            //  'path does not exist!' or so -- so this exception shouldn't show
            //  an error message, other than the debugging one it's showing
            //  currently (2008y07M31d), which could be removed in the future,
            //  or, if you don't see it (just under this comment), was removed
            //  in the past.
            (   "relativePath [%s] workingPath [%s]%n",
            pathList = null;
        return pathList;

     * Figure out a string representing the relative path of
     * 'absolutePath' with respect to 'workingPath'
     * @param workingPath home path
     * @param absolutePath path of file
    private static String parsePathLists
    (   PathList workingPath,
        PathList absolutePath
    ){  int i;
        int j;
        StringBuilder relativePath = new StringBuilder();
        // start at the beginning of the lists
        // iterate while both lists are equal
        i = workingPath.size() - 1;
        j = absolutePath.size() - 1;

         // first eliminate common root
        (   i >= 0 && j >= 0
         && workingPath.get(i).equals(absolutePath.get(j))
        ){  i--;

        // for each remaining level in the home path, add a ..
        for(; i>=0; i--)
            relativePath.append(".." + File.separator);

        // for each level in the file path, add the path
        for(; j>=0; j--)
            if(j > 0)
                relativePath.append(absolutePath.get(j) + File.separator);

        return relativePath.toString();


     * Get relative path of absolutePath from the current directory. The
     *  resulting path will end with a path separator
     * @param absolutePath file to generate path for
     * @return path from workingPath to absolutePath as a string
    public static String getRelativePath
    (   String absolutePath
    ){  return getRelativePath(absolutePath, null, true);
     * Get relative path of absolutePath from the current directory, optionally
     *  appending the result with a path separator
     * @param absolutePath file to generate path for
     * @param addSlash true to terminate the result with a path separator
     * @return path from workingPath to absolutePath as a string
    public static String getRelativePath
    (   String absolutePath,
        boolean addSlash
    ){  return getRelativePath(absolutePath, null, addSlash);
     * Get relative path of absolutePath from the current directory. The
     *  resulting path will end with a path separator
     * @param absolutePath file to generate path for
     * @param workingPath base path, should be a directory, not a file, or it
     *  doesn't make sense
     * @return path from workingPath to absolutePath as a string
    public static String getRelativePath
    (   String absolutePath,
        String workingPath
    ){  return getRelativePath(absolutePath, workingPath, true);
     * Get relative path of absolutePath from workingPath, optionally
     *  appending the result with a path separator
     * @param absolutePath file to generate path for
     * @param workingPath base path, should be a directory, not a file, or it
     *  doesn't make sense
     * @param addSlash true to terminate the result with a path separator
     * @return path from workingPath to absolutePath as a string
    public static String getRelativePath
    (   String absolutePath,
        String workingPath,
        boolean addSlash
    ){  String path;
        if(workingPath == null)
            workingPath = getAbsolutePath(".");
        absolutePath = absolutePath.trim();
        workingPath = workingPath.trim();
        path = parsePathLists
        (   getPathList(workingPath, null),
            getPathList(absolutePath, workingPath)
        // Make sure the paths end with a '/' if one is required
        if(addSlash == true
        && new File(getAbsolutePath(path, workingPath)).isDirectory() == true)
            path = getSafePath(path);
        return path.replace("\\", "/");

     * Ensure a path ends with a '/'
     * @param path The path to fix
     * @return The <var>path</var>, with a trailing '/'
    public static String getSafePath(String path)
    {   if(path == null || path.length() == 0)
            return "./";
        if(path.charAt(path.length() - 1) != '/'
        && path.charAt(path.length() - 1) != '\\')
            path += "/";
        return path;

     * Build a file list of all the files in the specified directories matching
     *  the specified wildcard. pathList can contain several paths separated by
     *  a semi-colon (;) e.g. "c:/.*\\.txt;c:/.*\\.dat" search for *.txt or
     *  *.dat in c:/. Wildcards use regular expression syntax e.g.
     *  "c:/[0-9]{5}\\.txt" search for files made up of 5 numeric digits
     *  followed by .txt. Wildcards can also appear in folder names, e.g.
     *  "c:/my .* /.*" search for all files under c that are in a folder
     *  starting my.. i.e. my document, my videos, etc. Folder searches can be
     *  recursive too, by starting the folder name with N: where N is the
     *  maximum depth of the search, or * for no limit, e.g. "c:/*:my .* /.*"
     *  search for all files under all folders in c: (search the whole drive)
     *  that start my.., or "c:/3:.* /.*\\.txt" search for .txt files in all
     *  folders up to a maximum of 3 levels deep, i.e. is the same as
     *  "c:/.* /.* /.* /.*\\.txt". Note: because \\ is regular expression syntax,
     *  it cannot be used as a path separator, use only / as a path separator
     * @param pathList The list of semi-colon (;) separated paths to search
     * @return Array of all files matching the path, includes pathname
    public static String[] fileList(String pathList)
    {   PathList files = new PathList();
        String[] paths = pathList.split(";");

        for(String path : paths)
            fileList("", null, path.split("/"), 0, files, null, 0);

        return files.toArray(new String[files.size()]);


     * Recursively get a list of files matching a given wildcard
     * @param base The parent folder that was recursed
     * @param folder The folder this recursion is now looking into
     * @param folders Array of all folders making up the path
     * @param index Index into the folders array that is of importance now
     * @param files List of files currently found that matched
     * @param wildcard If a folder repeats a wildcard *:.*, the wildcard to
     *  repeat
     * @param repeat If a folder repeats a wildcard, how many more times it
     *  needs to repeat
    private static void fileList
    (   String      base,
        String    folder,
        String[] folders,
        int        index,
        PathList   files,
        String  wildcard,
        int       repeat
    ){  File        file; // file referring to the current folder
        String[] results; // list of files found in current folder
        int        colon; // locate colon in repeat wildcard 3:.*
        int  localRepeat; // repeating wildcard at this level, hides wildcard
                          //  inherited during recursion (wilecard, repeat) with
                          //  (folders[index], localRepeat)

        // If the folder to check now is unknown, use the folder specified in
        //  the folder-array. The folder can differ from the folder-array if the
        //  folder-array had .*, folder will be the actual folder that matched
        //  that wildcard; folder is initially null, so fix it to the root
        //  folder to search
        if(folder == null)
            folder = folders[index];
        // Fix up the base so that it now refers to base + current folder
        //  base is initially ""
        base += folder + "/";
        // Move on to the next folder, it is what we're looking for now in this
        //  path
        // Drop one level in the repeat wildcard search, while this is > 0, this
        //  folder will be searched for the actual folder[index], but also what
        //  the repeat wildcard is, so c:/*:.*/.*\\.txt will match a .txt in
        //  c:/a/x.txt, but this repeat will also repeat *:.* under a, so will
        //  also match c:/a/b/y.txt, etc.. Also, MAX_VALUE means infinity, so
        //  don't decrement in that case
        if(repeat > 0 && repeat < Integer.MAX_VALUE)

        // Get a list of files under the current path
        file = new File(base);
        results = file.list();

        // Parse out the repeat information, if any
        colon = folders[index].indexOf(':');
        localRepeat = 0;
        if(colon != -1)
                // Repeat can be N: (where N is a number) or *: - this will not
                //  match c:/ as c isn't a number or an '*'
                String parseRepeat = folders[index].substring(0, colon);
                if(parseRepeat.equals("*") == true)
                    localRepeat = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                    localRepeat = Integer.parseInt(parseRepeat);
                // Update the folder so it no longer includes the X: part
                folders[index] = folders[index].substring(colon + 1);
            catch(NumberFormatException e) { }

        // First check against the current wildcard
        if(results != null)
            // If still looking in folders..
            if(index < folders.length - 1)
                for(String result : results)
                {   if(result.matches(folders[index]) == true)
                        // Recursively search sub-folders if this folder matched
                        //  the wildcard
                        (   base,
                            // if no repeat is set up, localRepeat will be 0 so
                            //  passing this repeat information will not
                            //  actually repeat if it's not set up to do so
            // If reached the last part of the search string, then these are the
            //  files being searched for, so store the matches
                for(String result : results)
                    if(result.matches(folders[index]) == true)
                        files.add(base + result);

        // Next test all the results against the repeat wildcard, if any
        if(results != null
        && repeat > 0)
            for(String result : results)
                if(result.matches(wildcard) == true)
                    // Recursively search sub-folders if this folder matched the
                    //  repeat wildcard
                    (   base,
                        // As this is a repeat, bring the index back so the sub-
                        //  dir search uses the same folder as currently used -
                        //  this -1 will propagate all the way up the recursion
                        //  causing all sub-levels, no matter how deep, to reuse
                        //  the same index
                        index - 1,




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1.Returns the path of the given resource.
2.Remove path and file information from a filename returning only its extension component
3.Absolutize a relative resource path on the given absolute base path.
4.Remove File Name SuffixRemove File Name Suffix
5.A utility class for manipulating paths
6.Strip File Extension
7.Get relative path
8.Fixes the file sperator char for the target platform using the following replacement.
9.Concatenates an array of string using a seperator.
10.Rename To Temporary Name
11.Match a path which may contain a wildcard
12.Merges the two paths to create a valid version of the second path
13.General filename and filepath manipulation utilities
14.Extract File Extension
15.Get File Name SuffixGet File Name Suffix
16.Extract the page path from the given request path
17.File name Utils
18.Convert a list of path elements to a platform-specific path.
19.Change File Name To Class NameChange File Name To Class Name
20.strip Extension name
21.Create File Name with specified white space character
22.Build a relative path to the given base path
23.Checks, whether the child directory is a subdirectory of the base directory.
24.Return a context-relative path, beginning with a "/", that represents the canonical version of the specified path after ".." and "." elements are resolved out.
25.Return the path within a base directory
26.Decode a path.
27.Convert a path to a cananonical form
28.Extract file name (without path and suffix) from file name with path and suffix
29.Extract file name (without path but with suffix) from file name with path and suffix
30.Build a path, but do not create it
31.Build a directory path - creating directories if neccesary
32.Path Util
33.Get the first/last token from a path
34.Calculates the relative path between a specified root directory and a target path.
35.Get relative Path