Implements QuickSort three different ways
//package proj6;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
* Implements QuickSort three different ways:
* 1. Perform the basic, sequential QuickSort algorithm with two-pointer
* partition.
* 2. Perform QuickSort using four threads, explicitely created and invoked.
* 3. Perform QuickSort on numThreads using Executor support from Java's
* concurrency libraries.
* The program can be executed with the following command:
* Usage: java Project6 <part> [OPTIONS]
* <part> - Valid parts are 1, 2, or 3
* Available options:
* -s, --size The size of the array to generate
* -r, --random True indicates a random array, false indicates a seeded array
* -m, --max Random numbers will generated between 0 (inclusive) and
* maxValue
* -n, --num Must be specified if you are desiring to run Part 3, otherwise
* it is ignored.
* @author Alex Laird
* @author Ryan Morehart
public class Project6
/** The largest partition size that a task will execute for Part 3.*/
private final int LARGEST_SIZE = 1000;
/** Our processor ID if we are running in parallel. If the user is not running Part 2 or Part 3, this is left at -1.*/
private int id = -1;
/** In parallel algorithms, the number of threads that have completed their tasks.*/
private int finishedThreads = 0;
/** In parallel algorithms, the number of numbers that have been sorted.*/
private int finishedCount = 0;
/** The current number of tasks in use.*/
private int taskCount = 0;
/** Executor service for use in Part 3.*/
ExecutorService pool;
/** The number of threads to use if performing Part 2 or Part 3.*/
private int numThreads = -1;
* Constructs the class object with the number of threads used, if running Part 2 or Part 3.
* @param numThreads Number of threads to use.
public Project6(int numThreads)
this.numThreads = numThreads;
* Increments the variable stating the number of threads finished.
protected synchronized void threadFinished(int id)
* Check if the number of slave threads reporting they have finished working
* is equal to the number of slave threads spawned.
* @return True if all spawned threads have finished, false otherwise.
private synchronized boolean waitingForThreads()
if (finishedThreads == numThreads)
return true;
return false;
* Check if the number of sorted items equals the total number of elements
* in the array.
* @param size The number of elements total in the array.
* @return True if all elements have been sorted, false otherwise.
private synchronized boolean waitingForCount(int size)
if (getFinishedCount () != size)
return true;
return false;
* Increment the finished counter by the given number n.
* @param n The amount to increment the finished counter by.
protected synchronized void addToFinishedCount (int n)
finishedCount += n;
* Retrieve the number of finished threads.
* @return The number of finished threads.
private synchronized int getFinishedCount()
return finishedCount;
* Increment the current number of tasks in use by one.
protected synchronized void incrementTaskCount()
* Retrieve the current number of tasks running.
* @return The number of tasks running.
protected synchronized int getTaskCount()
return taskCount;
* Swaps the two indeces in the array given.
* @param array The array to perform the swap on.
* @param first Swap this index with element at second.
* @param second Swap this index with element at first.
public void swap(int[] array,
int first,
int second)
int temp = array[first];
array[first] = array[second];
array[second] = temp;
* Finds the most logical point to split the array in two parts and uses
* that point as the partition. Uses a while loop to evaluate the partition.
* @param array The array to be sorted.
* @param low The lowest index.
* @param high The highest index.
* @return The index of the partitioning point.
protected int partition(int[] array,
int low,
int high)
int pivot = array[high];
int left = low;
int right = high - 1;
while (left <= right)
// Increment the low pointer until you meet the pivot
while (left <= right &&
array[left] <= pivot)
// Decrement the high pointer until you meet the pivot
while (left <= right &&
array[right] >= pivot)
// If the pointers have crossed, swap the items
if (left < right)
// Swap value at left with value at right
swap(array, left, right);
// Finally, swap value at left with value at high
swap (array, left, high);
return left;
* Performs a standard recursive QuickSort algorithm on an array from
* indeces high to low.
* @param array The array to be sorted.
* @param low The lowest index.
* @param high The highest index.
protected void sort(int[] array,
int low,
int high)
if (low < high)
// Locate the most precise partition point
int mid = partition (array, low, high);
// Recursively sort the lower half
sort (array, low, mid - 1);
// Recursively sort the upper half
sort (array, mid + 1, high);
* Continue passing partitions out to threads until the partition size is small
* enough for us to handle ourselves, backing out of recursion.
* @param low The lowest index.
* @param high The highest index.
* @param array The array to be sorted.
protected void part3(int low,
int high,
int[] array)
if (high - low + 1 < LARGEST_SIZE)
// The partition is small enough, so do the work ourselves
sort (array, low, high);
addToFinishedCount (high - low + 1);
// Identify partition point
int mid = partition (array, low, high);
addToFinishedCount (1);
// Launch slave task
pool.execute (new QuickSortTask (this, getTaskCount (), mid + 1, high, array));
incrementTaskCount ();
// Recurse to assign the lower half to its thread
part3(low, mid - 1, array);
* Generate the array, sort it using the correct method for the given part,
* and benchmark.
* @param part The part of the problem to perform. Value use be 1, 2, or 3
* @param size The size of the array to sort.
* @param random True if numbers should be generated randomly, false if they should follow a pattern
* @param maxValue The maximum value a randomly generated number can be
private void go(int part,
int size,
boolean random,
int maxValue)
// Generate array, output if length is reasonable, and declare time variables before
// starting the time count, so as to not effect performance
int[] array = Utility.buildArray (size, random, maxValue);
// Copy the array to an unsorted array location for verification after the fact
int[] unsortedArray = Arrays.copyOf (array, array.length);
System.out.println ("::Part " + part + "::");
System.out.println ("Array size: " + Utility.NUM_FORMAT.format (size));
if (array.length <= 25)
System.out.print ("Initial array: ");
Utility.printArray (array);
long startTime = -1;
long endTime = -1;
// Mark beginning time for calculation later
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Perform the basic, sequential QuickSort algorithm with two-pointer partition
if (part == 1)
sort (array, 0, array.length - 1);
// Perform QuickSort using four threads, explicitely created and invoked
else if (part == 2)
// Set this processor's ID
id = 0;
// Set the number of slave threads
numThreads = 3;
int low = 0;
int high = array.length - 1;
// Identify partition points for master and slaves
int mid = partition (array, low, high);
int first = partition (array, low, mid - 1);
int second = partition (array, mid + 1, high);
// Instantiate slave threads and pass them their partition portions
QuickSortThread thread2 = new QuickSortThread (this, 1, first + 1, mid - 1, array);
QuickSortThread thread3 = new QuickSortThread (this, 2, mid + 1, second - 1, array);
QuickSortThread thread4 = new QuickSortThread (this, 3, second + 1, high, array);
// Launch slave threads
thread2.start ();
thread3.start ();
thread4.start ();
// Current thread is the first thread, so let it do the lowest part
sort (array, low, first - 1);
// Wait for all threads to finish
while (!waitingForThreads ())
// Perform QuickSort on numThreads using Executor support from Java's concurrency libraries
else if (part == 3)
// Set this processor's ID and increment task count
id = 0;
incrementTaskCount ();
// Launch slave task
pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool (numThreads);
pool.execute (new QuickSortTask (this, getTaskCount (), 0, array.length - 1, array));
incrementTaskCount ();
while (waitingForCount (array.length))
// Mark end time and calculate total runtime
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long totalTime = endTime - startTime;
// Output benchmark as well as results, if length is reasonable
if (part == 2)
System.out.println ("Threads used: 4");
else if(part == 3)
System.out.println ("Tasks used: " + numThreads);
System.out.println ("Elapsed time: " + Utility.NUM_FORMAT.format (totalTime) + "ms");
if (array.length <= 25)
System.out.print ("Sorted array: ");
Utility.printArray (array);
if (Utility.verifyArray (array, unsortedArray))
System.out.println ("Verified: array sorted properly");
System.out.println ("Unverified: array did not sort properly");
System.out.println ();
* The main method executes first in the program, parsing command-line arguments
* and then immediately leaving static-land for the actual algorithms and
* computations.
* @param args The command-line arguments. "Usage: java Project6 <part> [OPTIONS]
* <part> - Valid parts are 1, 2, or 3
* Available options:
* -s, --size The size of the array to generate
* -r, --random True indicates a random array, false indicates a seeded array
* -m, --max Random numbers will generated between 0 (inclusive) and maxValue
* -n, --num Must be specified if you are desiring to run Part 3, otherwise it is ignored.
public static void main(String[] args)
// Output string for common errors
final String USAGE_TEXT = "Usage: java Project6 <part> [OPTIONS]\n"
+ "<part> - Valid parts are 1, 2, or 3\n\n"
+ "Available options:\n"
+ "-s, --size The size of the array to generate\n"
+ "-r, --random True indicates a random array, false indicates a seeded array\n"
+ "-m, --max Random numbers will generated between 0 (inclusive) and maxValue\n"
+ "-n, --num Must be specified if you are desiring to run Part 3, otherwise it is ignored.";
// The part of the problem to perform. Value use be 1, 2, or 3
int part = -1;
// The size of the array to sort.*/
int size = 10;
// True if numbers should be generated randomly, false if they should follow a pattern
boolean random = false;
// The maximum value a randomly generated number can be
int maxValue = 10;
// The number of threads to use if performing Part 3
int numThreads = -1;
// Parse through arguments and set their respective variables
if (args.length > 0)
part = Integer.parseInt (args[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i += 2)
if (args[i].equals ("-s"))
size = Integer.parseInt (args[i + 1]);
else if(args[i].equals ("-r"))
if (args[i + 1].equals ("true"))
random = true;
else if (!args[i + 1].equals ("false"))
int intRand = Integer.parseInt (args[i + 1]);
if (intRand == 1)
random = true;
else if (intRand != 0)
// Since the given random value was not valid at this point, just break the given part so the program termiantes
part = -1;
else if(args[i].equals("-m"))
maxValue = Integer.parseInt(args[i + 1]);
else if(args[i].equals("-n"))
numThreads = Integer.parseInt(args[i + 1]);
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
System.out.println (USAGE_TEXT);
System.exit (2);
// Make sure the given part number was valid
if (part > 3 || part < 1)
System.out.println (USAGE_TEXT);
System.exit (3);
// If we are doing Part 3 and the number of desired threads was not given, we cannot continue
if (part == 3 && numThreads == -1)
System.out.println (USAGE_TEXT);
System.exit (4);
System.out.println (USAGE_TEXT);
System.exit (1);
// Get us out of static-land!
Project6 proj6 = new Project6 (numThreads);
proj6.go (part, size, random, maxValue);
class QuickSortTask implements Runnable
/** The back-reference to the class containing the sorting routine.*/
Project6 proj6;
/** The ID of this task.*/
int id;
/** The lowest index this task goes in the array.*/
int low;
/** The highest index this task goes in the array.*/
int high;
/** The array to be sorted.*/
int[] array;
* Construct a new task, giving it a class reference containing the sorting
* routine as well as the array to be sorted.
* @param proj6 Pass the reference to the class containing necessary sorting routine.
* @param id The ID of this task.
* @param low The lowest index this task goes in the array.
* @param high The highest index this task goes in the array.
* @param array The array to be sorted.
public QuickSortTask (Project6 proj6,
int id,
int low,
int high,
int[] array)
this.proj6 = proj6; = id;
this.low = low;
this.high = high;
this.array = array;
* Instantiates the task and performs the sort on the given array for the
* specified portions.
public void run()
proj6.part3 (low, high, array);
* This class contains common, simple helper functions that are globally
* available to any class that needs them.
* @author Alex Laird
* @author Ryan Morehart
class Utility
/** The number formatter for pretty output.*/
public static final NumberFormat NUM_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat ("###,###");
* Builds an array of given size with random values (if random is true) between
* 0 (inclusive) and MAX_VALUE. If random is set to false, values are seeded to
* the indeces of the array.
* @param size The size to build the array.
* @param random True if values should be random, false if values should be seeded.
* @param MAX_VALUE The maximum value of a randomly generated number.
* @return The newly built array.
public static int[] buildArray (int size,
boolean random,
final int MAX_VALUE)
int[] array = new int[size];
Random randomizer = new Random ();
// Loop through and set all array values
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
// If random, set value between 0 (inclusive) and MAX_VALUE
if (random)
array[i] = randomizer.nextInt(MAX_VALUE);
// Not random, so set value to the index of the array
array[i] = i;
return array;
* Verify that the two arrays are equal by sorting the unsorted array, using
* verified Java sorting libraries, and comparing the two arrays.
* @param sortedArray The sorted array.
* @param unsortedArray The unsorted array to be sorted and compared to the sorted array.
* @return True if the arrays are equal after sorting using Java sorting libraries, false if there was an inconsistency.
public static boolean verifyArray(int[] sortedArray,
int[] unsortedArray)
Arrays.sort (unsortedArray);
for (int i = 0; i < sortedArray.length ;++i)
if (sortedArray[i] != unsortedArray[i])
return false;
return true;
* Print the given array.
* @param array The array to be printed.
public static void printArray(int[] array)
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i)
System.out.print (array[i]);
if (i < array.length - 1)
System.out.print (", ");
System.out.println ();
* A thread that will sort a set array upon execution.
* @author Alex Laird
* @author Ryan Morehart
class QuickSortThread extends Thread
/** The back-reference to the class containing the sorting routine.*/
Project6 proj6;
/** The ID of this thread.*/
int id;
/** The lowest index this thread goes in the array.*/
int low;
/** The highest index this thread goes in the array.*/
int high;
/** The array to be sorted.*/
int[] array;
* Construct a new thread, giving it a class reference containing the sorting
* routine as well as the array to be sorted.
* @param proj6 Pass the reference to the class containing necessary sorting routine.
* @param id The ID of this thread.
* @param low The lowest index this thread goes in the array.
* @param high The highest index this thread goes in the array.
* @param array The array to be sorted.
public QuickSortThread (Project6 proj6,
int id,
int low,
int high,
int[] array)
this.proj6 = proj6; = id;
this.low = low;
this.high = high;
this.array = array;
* Instantiates the thread and performs the sort on the given array for the
* specified portions.
public void run()
proj6.sort (array, low, high);
proj6.threadFinished (id);
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