Create a custom legend in ActionScript.

Code from Flex 4 Documentation "Using Adobe Flex 4".
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<!-- charts/CustomLegendInActionScript.mxml -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
creationComplete="drawLegend()" height="600">
import mx.containers.GridItem;
import mx.containers.GridRow;
import mx.charts.LegendItem;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
public var expenses:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{Expense:"Taxes", April:2000, May:321, June:131, July:1100, August:200, September:1400, October:42},
{Expense:"Rent", April:1000, May:95, June:313, July:600, August:400, September:200, October:52},
{Expense:"Taxes", April:2000, May:321, June:131, July:90, August:500, September:900,October:300},
{Expense:"Bills", April:100, May:478, June:841, July:400, August:600, September:1100,October:150}
private var rowSize:int = 5;
private var rowSizes:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(
[ {label:"1 Per Row", data:1},
{label:"2 Per Row", data:2},
{label:"3 Per Row", data:3},
{label:"4 Per Row", data:4},
{label:"5 Per Row", data:5},
{label:"6 Per Row", data:6},
{label:"7 Per Row", data:7} ]);
private function drawLegend():void {
// Use a counter for the series.
var z:int = 0;
var numRows:int;
if (myChart.series.length % rowSize == 0) {
// The number of series is exactly divisible by the rowSize.
numRows = Math.floor(myChart.series.length / rowSize);
} else {
// One extra row is needed if there is a remainder.
numRows = Math.floor(myChart.series.length / rowSize) + 1;
for (var j:int = 0; j < numRows; j++) {
var gr:GridRow = new GridRow();
for (var k:int = 0; k < rowSize; k++) {
// As long as the series counter is less than the number of series...
if (z < myChart.series.length) {
var gi:GridItem = new GridItem();
var li:LegendItem = new LegendItem();
// Apply the current series' displayName to the LegendItem's label.
li.label = myChart.series[z].displayName;
// Get the current series' fill.
var sc:SolidColor = myChart.series[z].getStyle("fill");
// Apply the current series' fill to the corresponding LegendItem.
li.setStyle("fill", sc);
// Apply other styles to make the LegendItems look uniform.
li.setStyle("textIndent", 5);
li.setStyle("labelPlacement", "left");
li.setStyle("fontSize", 9);
gi.setStyle("backgroundAlpha", "1");
gi.setStyle("backgroundColor", sc.color);
gi.width = 80;
// Add the LegendItem to the GridItem.
// Increment any time a LegendItem is added.
private function clearLegend():void {
private function changeRowSize(e:Event):void {
rowSize = ComboBox(;
<s:VerticalLayout />
<s:Panel title="Custom Legend in Grid" width="500" height="750">
<s:VerticalLayout />
<mx:BarChart id="myChart" dataProvider="{expenses}" height="400"
<mx:CategoryAxis dataProvider="{expenses}"
categoryField="Expense" />
<mx:BarSeries xField="April" displayName="April" />
<mx:BarSeries xField="May" displayName="May" />
<mx:BarSeries xField="June" displayName="June" />
<mx:BarSeries xField="July" displayName="July" />
<mx:BarSeries xField="August" displayName="August" />
<mx:BarSeries xField="September"
displayName="September" />
<mx:BarSeries xField="October" displayName="October" />
<mx:HRule width="100%" />
<mx:Grid id="myGrid" />
<mx:HRule width="100%" />
<s:Label text="Select the number of rows in the Legend." />
<s:ComboBox id="cb1" dataProvider="{rowSizes}"
close="changeRowSize(event)" selectedIndex="4" />
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