demonstrates overriding the ToString() method to provide a custom string output
C# Programming Tips & Techniques
by Charles Wright, Kris Jamsa
Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (December 28, 2001)
ISBN: 0072193794
// tm1.cs - demonstrates overriding the ToString() method to provide a custom
// string output.
// Compile this program using the following command line:
// D:>csc tm1.cs
namespace nsStructure
using System;
using System.Globalization;
public struct tm
public int tm_sec; // Seconds after the minute
public int tm_min; // Minutes after the hour
public int tm_hour; // Hours since midnight
public int tm_mday; // The day of the month
public int tm_mon; // The month (January = 0)
public int tm_year; // The year (00 = 1900)
public int tm_wday; // The day of the week (Sunday = 0)
public int tm_yday; // The day of the year (Jan. 1 = 1)
public int tm_isdst; // Flag to indicate if DST is in effect
public override string ToString()
const string wDays = "SunMonTueWedThuFriSat";
const string months = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec";
return (String.Format ("{0} {1} {2,2:00} " +
"{3,2:00}:{4,2:00}:{5,2:00} {6}\n",
wDays.Substring (3 * tm_wday, 3),
months.Substring (3 * tm_mon, 3),
tm_mday, tm_hour, tm_min,
tm_sec, tm_year + 1900));
public class tm1
static public void Main()
DateTime timeVal = DateTime.Now;
tm tmNow = LocalTime (timeVal);
Console.WriteLine (tmNow);
static public tm LocalTime(DateTime tmVal)
tm time;
time.tm_sec = tmVal.Second;
time.tm_min = tmVal.Minute;
time.tm_hour = tmVal.Hour;
time.tm_mday = tmVal.Day;
time.tm_mon = tmVal.Month - 1;
time.tm_year = tmVal.Year - 1900;
time.tm_wday = (int) tmVal.DayOfWeek;
time.tm_yday = tmVal.DayOfYear;
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone;
time.tm_isdst = tz.IsDaylightSavingTime (tmVal) == true ? 1 : 0;
return (time);
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