



selector (optional)
A string containing a selector expression to match elements against

Return value

The new jQuery object.


Get the siblings of each element in the set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.


Consider a page with a simple list as follows:

 <li>list item 1</li>
 <li>list item 2</li>
 <li class="third-item">list item 3</li>
 <li>list item 4</li>
 <li>list item 5</li>

$('li.third-item').siblings().css('background-color', 'red'); marks items 1, 2, 4, and 5.

As we do not supply a selector expression, all of the siblings are part of the object.

If we had supplied one, only the matching items among these four would be included.

  JavaScript Book 

  1. jQuery DOM
  2. $("html tags"):generate code with the jQuery wrapper function.
  3. .add()
  4. .addClass()
  5. .after()
  6. .andSelf()
  7. .append()
  8. .appendTo()
  9. .attr()
  10. .before()
  11. .children()
  12. .clone()
  13. .closest()
  14. .contents()
  15. .css()
  16. .detach()
  17. .filter()
  18. .first()
  19. .get()
  20. .has()
  21. .hasClass()
  22. .height()
  23. .html()
  24. .index()
  25. .innerHeight()
  26. .innerWidth()
  27. .insertAfter()
  28. .insertBefore()
  29. .is()
  30. .last()
  31. .map()
  32. .next()
  33. .nextAll()
  34. .nextUntil()
  35. .not()
  36. .offset()
  37. .offsetParent()
  38. .outerHeight()
  39. .outerWidth()
  40. .parent()
  41. .parents()
  42. .parentsUntil()
  43. .position()
  44. .prepend()
  45. .prependTo()
  46. .prev()
  47. .prevAll()
  48. .prevUntil()
  49. .remove()
  50. .removeClass()
  51. .removeAttr()
  52. .replaceAll()
  53. .replaceWith()
  54. .siblings()
  55. .scrollLeft()
  56. .scrollTop()
  57. .slice()
  58. .text()
  59. .toArray()
  60. .toggleClass()
  61. .unwrap()
  62. .val()
  63. .wrap()
  64. .wrapAll()
  65. .wrapInner()
  66. .width()