



A string containing a selector expression to indicate where to stop matching ancestor elements

Return value

The new jQuery object.


Get the ancestors of each element up to, but not including, the element matched by the selector.


<ul class="level-1">
 <li class="item-i">I</li>
 <li class="item-ii">II
     <ul class="level-2">
         <li class="item-a">A</li>
         <li class="item-b">B
             <ul class="level-3">
             <li class="item-1">1</li>
             <li class="item-2">2</li>
             <li class="item-3">3</li>
        <li class="item-c">C</li>
 <li class="item-iii">III</li>

$('li.item-a').parentsUntil('.level-1').css('background-color', 'red'); marks level-2 list and the item II to red.

If the .parentsUntil() selector is not matched, or if no selector is supplied, the returned jQuery object contains all of the previous jQuery object's ancestors.

  JavaScript Book 

  1. jQuery DOM
  2. $("html tags"):generate code with the jQuery wrapper function.
  3. .add()
  4. .addClass()
  5. .after()
  6. .andSelf()
  7. .append()
  8. .appendTo()
  9. .attr()
  10. .before()
  11. .children()
  12. .clone()
  13. .closest()
  14. .contents()
  15. .css()
  16. .detach()
  17. .filter()
  18. .first()
  19. .get()
  20. .has()
  21. .hasClass()
  22. .height()
  23. .html()
  24. .index()
  25. .innerHeight()
  26. .innerWidth()
  27. .insertAfter()
  28. .insertBefore()
  29. .is()
  30. .last()
  31. .map()
  32. .next()
  33. .nextAll()
  34. .nextUntil()
  35. .not()
  36. .offset()
  37. .offsetParent()
  38. .outerHeight()
  39. .outerWidth()
  40. .parent()
  41. .parents()
  42. .parentsUntil()
  43. .position()
  44. .prepend()
  45. .prependTo()
  46. .prev()
  47. .prevAll()
  48. .prevUntil()
  49. .remove()
  50. .removeClass()
  51. .removeAttr()
  52. .replaceAll()
  53. .replaceWith()
  54. .siblings()
  55. .scrollLeft()
  56. .scrollTop()
  57. .slice()
  58. .text()
  59. .toArray()
  60. .toggleClass()
  61. .unwrap()
  62. .val()
  63. .wrap()
  64. .wrapAll()
  65. .wrapInner()
  66. .width()