




Return value

The new jQuery object.


Add the previous set of elements on the stack to the current set.

Add the previous selection to the current selection

    <script src="http://java2s.com/Book/JavaScriptDemo/jQuery/jquery-1.8.0.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
             $("div.selected").next().andSelf().css("background", "yellow");
          <div class="selected">asdf</div>
Click to view the demo

The following code uses .andSelf() to add a div back onto the stack after doing a .find() manipulates the stack.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src='http://java2s.com/Book/JavaScriptDemo/jQuery/jquery-1.8.0.min.js'>
        <script >
                document.writeln( $("div") );
                document.writeln( $( "div" ).find("p") );
                document.writeln( $( "div" ).find("p").andSelf() );

Click to view the demo
  JavaScript Book 

  1. jQuery DOM
  2. $("html tags"):generate code with the jQuery wrapper function.
  3. .add()
  4. .addClass()
  5. .after()
  6. .andSelf()
  7. .append()
  8. .appendTo()
  9. .attr()
  10. .before()
  11. .children()
  12. .clone()
  13. .closest()
  14. .contents()
  15. .css()
  16. .detach()
  17. .filter()
  18. .first()
  19. .get()
  20. .has()
  21. .hasClass()
  22. .height()
  23. .html()
  24. .index()
  25. .innerHeight()
  26. .innerWidth()
  27. .insertAfter()
  28. .insertBefore()
  29. .is()
  30. .last()
  31. .map()
  32. .next()
  33. .nextAll()
  34. .nextUntil()
  35. .not()
  36. .offset()
  37. .offsetParent()
  38. .outerHeight()
  39. .outerWidth()
  40. .parent()
  41. .parents()
  42. .parentsUntil()
  43. .position()
  44. .prepend()
  45. .prependTo()
  46. .prev()
  47. .prevAll()
  48. .prevUntil()
  49. .remove()
  50. .removeClass()
  51. .removeAttr()
  52. .replaceAll()
  53. .replaceWith()
  54. .siblings()
  55. .scrollLeft()
  56. .scrollTop()
  57. .slice()
  58. .text()
  59. .toArray()
  60. .toggleClass()
  61. .unwrap()
  62. .val()
  63. .wrap()
  64. .wrapAll()
  65. .wrapInner()
  66. .width()