C++ Constructor Using a Constructor Initialization List


You can use a constructor initialization list to set the member variable:

#include <iostream>
class Pool {//  w  w w .j  av  a 2  s.co  m
  double length {1.0};
  double width {1.0};
  double height {1.0};
  // Constructors
  Pool(double lengthValue, double widthValue, double heightValue);
  Pool();                                    // No-arg constructor
  double volume();                          // Function to calculate the volume of a pool
// Constructor definition using an initializer list
Pool::Pool(double lv, double wv, double hv) : length {lv}, width {wv}, height {hv}
  std::cout  << "Pool constructor called." << std::endl;
It is the same as:
// Constructor definition
Pool::Pool(double lengthValue, double widthValue, double heightValue) {
  std::cout << "Pool constructor called." << std::endl;
  length = lengthValue;
  width = widthValue;
  height = heightValue;

