To declare the exception in the declaration section of the program. The syntax is
<exception_name> exception;
When you raise the exception, you do it by using the RAISE command. The syntax is:
raise <exception_name>;
Handle your exception just as if it were a named predefined exception. The syntax is:
when <exception_name> then
A User-Defined Exception
function f_ValidateSalary(i_empNo_nr NUMBER, i_new_Sal_nr NUMBER) return VARCHAR2 is v_current_Sal_nr NUMBER; e_increaseTooLarge exception; begin select sal into v_current_Sal_nr from emp where empNo=i_empNo_nr; if (i_newSal_nr/v_current_Sal_nr) * 100 > 300 then raise e_increaseTooLarge; end if; return 'Y'; exception when e_increaseTooLarge then insert into t_LogError ...--your table name here-- return 'N '; end; /