Exceptions Raised in the Exception Handler
procedure p_validatezip (i_zipCode_tx VARCHAR2) is e_tooShort EXCEPTION; e_tooLong EXCEPTION; e_badZip EXCEPTION; pragma exception_init(e_badZip,-20998); v_tempZip_nr NUMBER; begin if length(i_zipCode_tx)< 5 then Raise e_tooShort; elsif length(i_zipCode_tx)> 6 then Raise e_tooLong; end if; v_tempZip_nr :=to_number(i_zipCode_tx); exception when e_tooLong then raise e_badZip; when e_tooShort then raise e_badZip; when VALUE_ERROR then raise e_badZip; when e_badZip then insert into t_LogError (error_tx) values('problem with Zip'); raise; end;