An associative array is a set of key-value pairs.
Each key is a unique index, used to locate the associated value with the syntax
The data type of index can be either a string type or PLS_INTEGER.
Indexes are stored in sort order, not creation order.
For string types, sort order is determined by the initialization parameters NLS_SORT and NLS_COMP.
An associative array is empty but not null until you populate it.
The following code defines a type of associative array indexed by string.
SQL> SQL> DECLARE-- w w w. j ava2s . c o m 2 TYPE StringToIntegerMap IS TABLE OF NUMBER -- Associative array type 3 INDEX BY VARCHAR2(64); -- indexed by string 4 cityMap StringToIntegerMap; -- Associative array variable 5 i VARCHAR2(64); -- Scalar variable 6 7 BEGIN 8 -- Add elements (key-value pairs) to associative array: 9 10 cityMap('A') := 1; 11 cityMap('B') := 2; 12 cityMap('C') := 3; 13 14 -- Change value associated with key 'A': 15 16 cityMap('A') := 10; 17 18 -- Print associative array: 19 20 i := cityMap.FIRST; -- Get first element of array 21 22 WHILE i IS NOT NULL LOOP 23 DBMS_Output.PUT_LINE('value of ' || i || ' is ' || cityMap(i)); 24 i := cityMap.NEXT(i); -- Get next element of array 25 END LOOP; 26 END; 27 / value of A is 10 value of B is 2 value of C is 3 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>