The following code uses a FOR loop with the associative arrays INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER.
SQL> SQL> declare-- from www .j ava 2s .c om 2 type dept_rty is record(deptNo number, extra_tx VARCHAR2(2000)); 3 type dept_aa is table of dept_rty index by binary_integer; 4 v_dept_aa dept_aa; 5 begin 6 v_dept_aa(10).deptNo:=10; 7 v_dept_aa(20).deptNo:=20; 8 for i in v_dept_aa.first..v_dept_aa.last loop 9 if v_dept_aa.exists(i) then 10 DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(v_dept_aa(i).deptno); 11 end if; 12 end loop; 13 end; 14