Nodejs Array Shuffle shuffle()

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Method Source Code

/**//ww  w.  j a  v a  2s . c o  m
@Name: Array.prototype.shuffle
@Author: Paul Visco
@Version: 1.1 11/19/07
@Description: Shuffle the values in an array randomly
@Param: values Array If passed an array of values, all the values in the argument array are removed from the array being manipulated
@Param: value Object/String/Number If a single object, string, number, etc is passed to the function than only that value is removed.
@Return: Array Returns the array minus the values that were specified for removal.
var myArray = [5, 10, 15];
//myArray =[10, 15, 5]; //<-could change each time
Array.prototype.shuffle = function(){
   var i=this.length,j,t;
   return this;


  1. shuffle()
    Array.prototype.shuffle = function(){
      for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){
          var a = this[i];
          var b = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.length);
          this[i] = this[b];
          this[b] = a;
    function shuffleProperties(obj) {
  2. shuffle()
    Array.prototype.shuffle = function () {
        let array = this, arraylength = array.length, randomIndex, temp;
        while (arraylength) {
            randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random(arraylength) * arraylength--);
            temp = array[arraylength];
            array[arraylength] = array[randomIndex];
            array[randomIndex] = temp;
        return array;
  3. shuffle()
    'use strict';
    Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
      var arr = this.slice(0);
      var counter = this.length,
        temp, index;
      while (counter > 0) {
        index = Math.floor(Math.random() * counter);
        temp = arr[counter];
  4. shuffle()
    Array.prototype.shuffle=function() {
      this.sort(function() {return Math.random()-0.5; });
  5. shuffle()
    Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
    var s = [];
    while (this.length) s.push(this.splice(Math.random() * this.length, 1)[0]);
    while (s.length) this.push(s.pop());
    return this;
  6. shuffle()
    Array.prototype.shuffle = function () {
      var l = this.length + 1;
      while (l--) {
        var r   = ~~(Math.random() * l), o = this[r];
        this[r] = this[0];
        this[0] = o;
      return this;
  7. shuffle()
    Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
        var currentIndex = this.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;
        while (0 !== currentIndex) {
            randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
            currentIndex -= 1;
            temporaryValue = this[currentIndex];
            this[currentIndex] = this[randomIndex];
            this[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
        return this;
  8. shuffle()
    Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
      var ar=this;
    for(var j, x, i = ar.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = ar[--i], ar[i] = ar[j], ar[j] = x);
        return ar;
  9. shuffle()
    Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
      var i = this.length, j, temp;
      while(--i > 0) {
        j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i+1));
        temp = this[j];
        this[j] = this[i];
        this[i] = temp;
      return this;