HTML5 Game - Drawing Using Paths


The canvas element and its context provide a set of methods to draw shapes using paths.

Paths are basically a set of individual lines to form a shape.

The following table shows the methods that are available for drawing basic paths.

Name DescriptionReturns
beginPath() Begins a new path void
closePath() close the existing path by drawing a line from the end of the last line to the initial coordinates void
fill()Fills the shape described by the sub-paths void
isPointInPath(x, y) Returns true if the specified point is contained by the shape described by the current path boolean
lineTo(x, y) Draws a sub-path to the specified coordinates void
moveTo(x, y) Moves to the specified coordinates without drawing a sub-path void
rect(x, y, w, h) Draws a rectangle whose top-left corners is at (x, y) with width w and height h. void
stroke() Draws the outline of the shape as described by the sub-paths void

The basic sequence for drawing a path is as follows:

  • Call the beginPath method
  • Move to the start position using the moveTo method
  • Draw sub-paths with methods such as arc, lineTo, etc.
  • Optionally call the closePath method
  • Call the fill or stroke methods

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