Java java.lang String Index

Java examples for java.lang:String Index


Click the following links for the tutorial for java.lang and String Index.

  1. get First Non Space Index
  2. get Last Non Space Index
  3. get Tab Indexes
  4. What is the index Of a char inside a string
  5. Find the last Index Of a char inside a string
  6. Search char index Of Any in a String
  7. Search String for last Index Of Any character in it
  8. Search for last Index Of a character in a String

  9. Used by the indexOf(CharSequence methods) as a green implementation of indexOf.
  10. Search a String to find the first index of any character not in the given set of characters. A null String will return -1.
  11. Search a String to find the first index of any character in the given set of characters. A null String will return -1.
  12. This methods returns the next "block" of non-whitespace characters, starting after the index, but passing the first whitespace block.
  13. Finds first occurrence of character in CharSequence starting from index start.
  14. Finds last occurrence of character in CharSequence starting from index start.
  15. Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of any of the characters specified in string any.
  16. Check string index of and handle null value

  17. Finds the first index within a String, handling null.
  18. Finds the last index within a String, handling null.
  19. Finds the n-th index within a String, handling null.
  20. Get string index Of and handle null value
  21. Checks if some a string stands at particular point in another string