Java java.lang Math Trigonometric Function

Java examples for java.lang:Math Trigonometric Function


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  1. Return the inverse (arc) hyperbolic cosine of a double.
  2. Return the inverse (arc) hyperbolic sine of a double.
  3. Returns the inverse (arc) hyperbolic tangent of a double.
  4. Return the hyperbolic cosine of a double.
  5. Return the contangent of a double.
  6. Compute the arctangent of x to a given scale, |x| < 1
  7. Compute the arctangent of x to a given scale by the Taylor series, |x| < 1
  8. Computes arccosine for some cos(x).

  9. Estimates the function value at a specified point on x-axis using the Lagrange interpolation.
  10. Calculate arc sin
  11. A fast implementation of Math#atan(double) .
  12. Calculate arc tan
  13. Fast cosine approximation.
  14. Fast sine approximation.
  15. Returns a fast sine approximation of a value.
  16. Compute the cosine distance between two tags vectors.

  17. Returns haversine() of distance from (lat1, lng1) to (lat2, lng2) on the unit sphere.
  18. Returns haversine(angle-in-radians).
  19. haversine From Sin
  20. sin From haversine
  21. sin Sum From haversine
  22. Get the sine of an angle
  23. Calculates inverse hyperbolic cosine of a double value.
  24. Calculates inverse hyperbolic sine of a double value.
  25. Returns the arc hyperbolic cosine of a value.
  26. Returns the arc hyperbolic sine of a value.
  27. Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a value.
  28. Returns the hyperbolic sine of a value.
  29. Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x.
  30. Returns the inverse (arc) hyperbolic cosine of a double.
  31. Returns the inverse (arc) hyperbolic sine of a double.
  32. Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a double.
  33. Returns the hyperbolic sine of a double.
  34. Calculates the hyperbolic area sine.
  35. Calculates a smoothly (cosine) interpolated value, given a start value, an end value, and the position to get the value at.
  36. Gets the great circle distance in kilometers between two geographical points, using the haversine formula.
  37. Returns the arc cosecant of a value.
  38. Returns the arc hyperbolic cosecant of a value.
  39. Returns the cosecant of a value.
  40. Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of a value.
  41. Returns the inverse cotangent of a double value
  42. Returns the inverse cosecant of a double value
  43. Returns the arc cotangent of a value.
  44. Returns the arc hyperbolic cotangent of a value.
  45. Returns the arc secant of a value.
  46. Returns the arc hyperbolic secant of a value.
  47. Returns the arc hyperbolic tangent of a value.
  48. Searches the specified array of doubles for the specified value using the binary search algorithm.
  49. Searches the specified array of vectors for the specified value using the binary search algorithm.
  50. fast Tanh
  51. euclidian Distance
  52. Returns standard variation (rozptyl) DV = sqrt( 1/N * SUM ( Xi - mu )^2 )
  53. Compute the distance between a point and a segment.
  54. Compute the distance between two segments.
  55. Approximates the atan2 function.
  56. Approximates the atan function.
  57. Calculates inverse hyperbolic tangent of a double value.
  58. Returns the cotangent of a value.
  59. Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of a value.
  60. Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a value.
  61. get Manhattan Distance
  62. Returns the cotangent of a double.
  63. Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a double.
  64. Adjust standard deviation.
  65. Gets the gaussian pdf value constant term.
  66. Gets the gaussian pdf value constant term log.
  67. Calculates the area of a rectangle.
  68. Calculates the surface area of a rectangular prism;
  69. Calculates the volume of a rectangular prism.
  70. Two dimensional euclidean distance.
  71. Compute the Chi-Square distance between samples.
  72. Compute the Euclidean distance between samples.
  73. Computes the standard deviation of a set, given the average value.
  74. Compute the standard deviations along each column
  75. Compute the standard deviations along each row
  76. average Hydrophobicity