Java java.lang Math Geometry Distance

Java examples for java.lang:Math Geometry Distance


Click the following links for the tutorial for java.lang and Math Geometry Distance.

  1. Find the square of the distance between the point and a point on the curve (u).
  2. Calculates distance between two points specified by latitude/longitude
  3. compute Min Euclidean Distances
  4. Return the minimum Euclidean distance from each point to any other observation.
  5. Naive method for computing minimum distance - slower but needs less memory.
  6. Finds the angle obtained by moving a distance of delta_x from x in a anti-clockwise direction.
  7. Finds the angle obtained by moving a distance of delta_x from x in a clockwise direction.
  8. Finds the angle obtained by moving a distance of delta_x from x in a clockwise direction if delta_x is positive and anticlockwise direction is delta_x is negative.

  9. Finds the closest value in quad that is closest in distance to angle.
  10. Finds the minimum angular distance between two angles.
  11. get Latitude/Longitude by providing distance, bearing angle and reference Latitude/Longitude
  12. get Distance In Km
  13. get Distance In Radians
  14. Get the 3D minimum distance between 2 lines vecmath
  15. Computes the distance in kilometers between two points on Earth.
  16. Calculates geodetic distance between two points specified by latitude/longitude using Vincenty inverse formula for ellipsoids

  17. Approximate the distance between to coordinates in meters. This method is an approximation only, it does NOT calculate the real arc length
  18. returns the distance between the line formed by (x1, y1), (x2, y2) and the point (x, y).
  19. returns the distance between the line segment formed by (x1, y1), (x2, y2) and the point (x, y).
  20. get Distance between line and point
  21. Returns the square of the distance from a point to a line segment.
  22. distance From Line Segment
  23. get Distance To Center
  24. Return distance between the line defined by (x0,y0) and (x1,y1) and the point (x,y).
  25. Return the x,y position at distance "length" into the given polyline.
  26. Returns the distance of p3 to the segment defined by p1,p2.
  27. Square distance between a point and a line defined by two other points.
  28. distance between point and shape
  29. Returns a square distance of two points.
  30. Find a point at a given perpendicular distance from a line
  31. Calculates the distance between two points using Pythagoras.
  32. Measures the distance of a point to a line segment.
  33. Measures the squared distance of a point to a line segment.
  34. Computes an approximation of the distance of two points on the earth in meters using the mean radius of the earth.
  35. Rotates a point around the center such that the result has the given distance to the original point.
  36. Computes the distance of two points on a sphere.
  37. Returns latitude from mercator Y.
  38. spherical To Cartesian